Chapter steven

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Ninja's POV

  Optimus and I boarded our flight in extreme confusion. Everyone was freaking out, and we had no clue why they were acting like that. We tried to stay calm and think about something else.

  Our flight went smoothly, it took us around 4 hours to finally land in Hawaii. When we landed, it was just perfect. The sun was shining and there were just the right amount of clouds. Of course as famous as I am there were some fans that asked for pictures. I said yes because I always say yes to fans. Prime was just behind me when he grabbed my hand in his cold metal makeshift hand.

   "Ty, what do you think?" He asked me, I blushed just a bit. I loved it when he called me Ty and not Ninja or Tyler. I stepped closer to him and hugged him.

    "It's perfect. Just perfect." I told him, we hugged for just half a second more. When he pulled back I could tell this trip was going to be something I've never experienced.

Optimus Prime's Diary

June 5, 2021
Dear diary. Ever since I started dating Ty I've been feeling all sorts of things, which is a brand new thing for me. I've been pretty depressed throughout my whole life, and I haven't known how to do deal with my feelings, so I've just kept to myself. I never met my real parents because they gave me up to the robot orphanage when I was just a week old, and I was never adopted either, because apparently human parents don't like to adopt robot babies. Why would they make an orphanage specifically for robot babies if no one even wanted them?
   I've learned to keep to myself since then. I reprogrammed my mind to no longer experience emotions, and that sticks and stones were the only thing that could break my robot bones. My only friend was Jacob, the Windows 98 computer in the orphanage, but he was enough. He always knew what to say.
   When I was 18 I was kicked out of the robot orphanage due to me being a legal robot adult. I had no money, no job, no house, no robot girlfriend. On that day I decided that my life was going to completely change for the better. The year was 2005. I scanned the Robo Times Newspaper in search of a way for me to make that sweet, sweet robot coin. In the corner of my eye I spotted it.
   I look back on those old memories and truly see how drastically my robot life has improved. Just a few years ago I was sitting alone in a robot orphanage, and now I'm in Hawaii with my boyfriend Ninja.
Strangely though, it still doesn't feel like enough. It feels like I'm a tin man who's missing his heart. It feels weird to admit this, but in the back of my mind I feel like the world has done me wrong. I feel nothing but anger (the one emotion I couldn't figure out how to de-program from my mind).
I need to get rid of this anger that's been trapped inside of me.
I think I have an idea how.

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