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Life. . .

I want to end mine. . .

After all, there's nothing to make me appreciate the life span I've been given. . .

"Everyone, give a round of applause for Y/n for being recommended to one of Japan's top academies for aspiring heroes, U.A!" The teacher exclaimed, and the students soon complying with what he had said. You stared at them, stone-faced for the commotion is not needed.

You didn't even want to be a hero.

"Thank you,"  your eyes darted towards a person that's way more enthusiastic to hear the news than you. 

"Huh?! Why does she get to be recommended and not me?!" A blondie shouted as he pointed at you, irk marks appearing on his head as he stood up.

"Bakugou, sit down. And to answer your question, Y/n here showed exemplary performance not only in the field of academics, but in others as well," your teacher sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, Bakugou's rambunctiousness irking him.

Your eyes flitted over to his, only to found him sneering and glaring at you, wanting to find you intimidated, but his actions soon were conceived to be futile as you only propped your head on top of your hand, not giving him the satisfaction.

School finally ended. You sighed, your fingers raking itself through your hair, as you relished the tranquility as your feet alternatively took one step ahead to go to your chosen destination. Ear buds found itself placed inside your ears as you'd drowned all the other unnecessary noises within the range of your hearing.

"n... Y/n!", and with that, your head twisted to the side as your peripheral vision catches a green-ette trying to catch up to you.

You took one bud out as you waited, his form crouched down as he let himself regain his breath after running.

"Izuku...?" You trailed off.

After finally reaching you, he straightened himself before flashing a grin at you.

"Congratulations on getting recommended!" You returned the action, yet less 'grinny', ruffling his hair before chuckling at his enthusiasm.

"Thanks, Izuku. You plan to go to U.A as well, am I right?" You asked as the both of you walked side by side, your gloved hand finding itself inside the pockets of your skirt.

Midoriya sheepishly scratched the back of his head as he nodded, his face heating.

"Y-Yeah... But I know that a quirkless person like me wouldn't get accepted in-" And he was cut off once you stopped, him ceasing his walking in return.


"Ah, I'm not the best with encouragements but, Izuku, you're more capable than you thought. If ever, you should be the one that's recommended, not me, after all, your determination outshines my nonexistent ones. Stop bringing your goddamn self down, alright?" You ended with your arm slinging around his shoulders, tensing at the contact before relaxing, although the redness of his face didn't die down.

"Thank y...you-" He was cut off with the shoutings coming from a certain blond-haired dude.

"Stop right there you fuckers!" His voice resonating throughout the whole neighborhood as you winced at the loudness.

Why was he even here? Ah, scratch that. It was quite hilarious, if you'd say so yourself, that it took you a second to procure the meaning behind his actions. It was evident in his ruby hues– envy, anger, jealousy, over what? A puny recommendation for a school that he could pass without him being bestowed the letter? Was he that petty?

You scanned him up and down, making sure to take note of the expression he wore on his countenance.

He was, unsurprisingly.

He walked towards you before grabbing the collar of your uniform, hoisting you up and Midoriya trying his best to calm him down.

"K-Kacchan, please p-put Y/n down..." Midoriya stuttered for he found it hard to speak back to the person who'd bullied him for years.

"Shut your fucking mouth Deku! I'm just here to show this bitch whom she should not mess with just 'cause she got recommended for no damn good reason!" He growled, as his eyes were focused on you, his anger swelling once he saw your face not even having any kind of fear showing.

"Put me down, blondie," you said, kneeing him in the stomach, therefore, the perpetrator had unconsciously let go of your uniform as he coughed, the scowl on his face never ceasing.

"You damn bitch thinking you're so tough now, huh?!" Cracklings started to form on his palms as he fired up his quirk, ready to use it on you.

"If you used that brain of yours, you'd know that using your quirk with no permission is prohibited. Unless you even had one in the first place, that is," you taunted as you walked closer to him, a smirk crawling up on your face.

"Y/n...", Midoriya said as he felt himself growing weary at what's about to happen, mad at himself for being too weak to not do anything.

He felt his stamina decreasing before kneeling down, his eyes widening so much at what's currently happening, before turning to look at you, his permanent glare plastered on his face.

"You- What did you do to me?!", his question didn't garner a response, only a low chuckle. He looked at your eyes, cold sweats rolling down on his temple, yet he only scowled, not wanting to show any kind of emotion other than anger.

"I've left you with enough stamina to atleast go back to your home," your e/c hues wandered over Midoriya.

"Izuku, let's go now or we'll miss the train," you said with a smile as you sauntered over to where he was, slinging your arm around his shoulders.

"Y/n... What did you do to Kacchan?", he asked for he was quite curious as well, after all, he never found the courage to ask what your quirk was before and never had he ever seen you use it.

''Just teaching him who he should and shouldn't mess with. . .''

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