Chapter 16

11 2 2

A coward, too weak.
Her gaze eternally
Directed at the ground,
Her face hidden.


Lilian shifted awkwardly in her seat. She and Aaron were have lunch alone, owing to the fact that Lucille and William had classes they couldn't skip. Normally, on days that Lucille and William were busy, Aaron would slink away to have lunch on his own, but Lilian had asked him to eat with her. When he hesitated, she offered to buy him a meal. Her debts were all finally cleared, and her money from TA-ing and her financial aid money was finally enough for her to spend a little extra on her friends.

As she watched Aaron dig into his box of Panda Express, Lilian wondered if she should tell him about having a crush on him or not. It had been over a week since her argument with Lucille, and they had since made up. Lilian finally allowed herself to accept that she did indeed find Aaron incredibly attractive despite desperately not wanting to. She was afraid that it would make their friendship awkward not only for the two of them, but also for Lucille and William.

Lilian poked at her chicken unenthusiastically. The anxiety within her was peaking, and it was all she could do to not pass out or run away screaming.

Aaron raised an eyebrow at her full bowl.

"Why aren't you eating? Is everything okay?"

Lilian never thought her heart could be faster. She felt like her heart was near shooting out her body. Lilian nodded slowly before putting her fork down and clasping her hands together to keep them from shaking.

"I need to tell you something."


William winced as Lucille shrieked, earning stares and an annoyed 'ahem' from their professor. Lucille ducked her head in embarrassment, apologizing under her breath. As the professor shook his head and continued on with his incredibly boring lecture, Lucille shoved her phone towards William.

"Look what Lilian just sent to me."

William took her phone in confusion, skimming over the words. Then it registered and he read it again.

Lili: So......
         I might've told Aaron about liking him?
         I asked him to eat lunch with me today just so I 
         I was really scared to tell him omggg 
         He doesn't like me back though
         I think I'm gonna be trying to get over him now.

William blinked and passed the phone back to Lucille.

"Why're you showing me this?"

Lucille's eyes widened and she gestured wildly with her hands, earning another, considerably more annoyed 'ahem' from their professor. She mouthed him an apology before leaning towards William with a lowered voice.

"She's getting over Aaron, aren't you glad?"

William shrugged, turning his attention to the PowerPoint being displayed on the giant screens.

"I don't really care who she likes anymore. She's not gonna like me, and I should start trying to get over her too."

Lucille sighed.

"I think you guys would be great together."

William rolled his eyes.

"She has to like me first, for that to happen."


Lilian had started to get used to getting texts every morning and night from Aaron. Deep down, she knew that Aaron was only being nice to her because he rejected her, but she couldn't control the happiness she felt everyday whenever he struck up conversations with her or listened to her about her problems or wish her a good morning or a good night.

It only made it that much harder for her to get over him. She reminded herself that he didn't like her every single opportunity she got, but it was hard. His messages made her nightmares a whole lot more bearable, but she didn't want to grow dependent on his pity as a way for her to cope with her nightmares.

Lucille was the only she could talk to about this, so she sent her a text, asking her to come home alone so that they could discuss it in private.

Lucille ended up arriving at home about an hour later, and dumped her things right outside her room day before sitting down in front of Lilian, her eyes shining with curiosity.

"Spill the tea, Lils. What's up?"

Lilian took a deep breath.

"Well, ever since I told Aaron that I liked him, he's been pity texting, but he's actually really sweet about it. I-I've been having some nightmares for a while and waking up to nice texts from him really helps my mood, but I don't want to be dependent on him for that. Especially cause he's doing it cause he feels bad about rejecting me, you know? And the texts he sends me in general make it harder for me to get over him, and I just don't know what to do."

Lucille nodded, her expression softening.

"I totally get that. Maybe tell him that he doesn't need to send you messages? And about your nightmares, I could write you notes or make your nice stuff for breakfast, if that'll help."

Lilian smiled at her gratefully, nodding.

"That sounds like a great idea, thanks!"


Aaron glanced at the door as the familiar blonde walked in. He felt his heart beat faster, but he forced himself to remain calm.

"Luce. Why'd you ask to talk to me?"

Lucille looked around at his dorm room, frowning.

"How do you have nothing in here apart from textbooks? Are you even human?"

Aaron allowed the smallest smile to pass through his otherwise controlled expression.

"Did you ask to come over to ask me about my textbooks?"

Lucille shook her head.

"No I came here to talk about Lilian. Listen, I get that you feel bad for rejecting her and all, but you don't have to send her good morning and good night texts. You're making it harder for her to get over you."

Aaron tilted his head slightly.

"So you're asking me to not text her? Just all of a sudden, like that?"

Lucille shrugged.

"Maybe wean her off of it. And then yes, stop texting her."

Aaron nodded slowly.

"Sure, I can do that. Why do you care so much though? You don't do nearly as much for William's crush on Lilian."

Lucille fiddled with her bag, her gaze flitting all around his room.

"That's cause I like you. It's not fair to Lilian, bu-"

Aaron stood in one swift motion, closing the distance between them. Gently, he pulled her closer, bending down to press his lips against hers. When he pulled away, Lucille's face was redder than a stop sign, and she raised a hand to her mouth.

"O-Oh my."


So, FINALLY two characters that actually like each other. But how do you think Lilian will feel about this? Was it okay for Lucille to go behind her back to tell Aaron to stop talking to her? See y'all next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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