Chapter 1 // Eden

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Lena sighed after her horrific day of unsolicited excitement. Another attempt was made on her life by her brother. As usual, his killer-for-hire failed at his plot, leaving Lena alive and disappointed. After all of the drama, Lena decided to seclude herself in her new National City office. National City was safe- at least that's what she had fooled herself into thinking- a new place for her to live without the negative reputation her brother left behind.

Lena glanced at the clock from her modern glass desk, 10:53. She slid out from behind her desk, deciding to make her way back home before anything else came up. Luthor had already escaped from her problems the moment her office door was closed, but she wanted to do a bit more of that once she got home, away from the embarrassment of sleeping in her office, again, and being caught wearing the same pantsuit from the day before.

Lena grabbed her dark indigo blazer and swung it around, threading her hands through the armholes before slipping the large black buttons through their eyes and leaving her office. She glanced at her secretary's empty desk and ran through her fingers over the button behind the computer to lock her office.

Lena meandered to the elevator, texting her chauffeur to be ready in 15. She walked down through the lonely hallway and past the night watchmen. They only nodded at her, maybe- she thought- they were too afraid to tell her about what might happen if he got on the wrong side of a Luthor. Even her own chauffeur- one of the only people to see her cry- fell silent around her. Just like tonight; Phillip drove to her penthouse, watching her closely until his boss disappeared into her home.

Home. It's what Lena told Phillip when she wanted to go back, but it wasn't home, not to Lena. There wasn't a home for her. She was told that home was safe and pleasant but, she never felt safe here, nor did she see her expensive apartment as pleasant, no matter how many things she put in there or parties she hosted.

Lena unlocked her door, opening up into her room with the perfect view of National City. She tossed off her blazer and almost tore open her shirt, letting it stay partially open as she loosened her pants. After closing the blinds to her room, Lena went to her stash of cheap hard liquor, anything to numb the pain of her brother's betrayal of the day.

As she knelt on the cold tile ground, her head pressed against the cheap white wooden cabinet, Lena glanced at the bottle of Svedka, swirling the clear liquor around. She set it down on the ground, deciding what she wanted out of the day. Looking at her watch, she knew that is wasn't too late to find someone to keep her warm, but also not too late to just get wasted.

"What's a girl to do?" Lena mumbled, cradling the bottle in front of her. "What the hell."

Lena set the bottle back in the cupboard for another day and stood up. She made quick work of her clothes, just placing them on one of the chairs before going back to her room. As Lena opened her wardrobe, she called Phillip, pulling out a black dress and changing into it, not bothering with anything underneath.

"Hey, Phillip."

"Yes, Ms. Luthor?"

"Can you start up the car, I'm going out."

"Yes, ma'am," he affirmed, ending the call.

Lena nodded, searching for some clubs over Yelp. She happened upon a bar named Eden, an expensive club that Lena knew she'd get into without any difficulty. Maybe she could get Phillip in there as well, a "thank you" for all of the times he's enabled her vices. "Quite the name for a club," Lena thought, "the biblical paradise, pfft."

Lena walked back out of her penthouse and to her car, climbing in and texting Phillip the address. For the last time before she unplugged, Lena checked her mail, nothing special as usual one could hope, though. She looked out of the tinted windows, watching the lights and cars whip past in pale yellow and white flashes, masking those who wander at night, sober and somber. They arrived fairly quickly. Lena walked to the bouncer, ignoring the eyes from the other patrons who waited to get in. With only her last name, the bouncer slid over out of her way. She handed him a slip with her driver's name on it and a tip to let him in.

As she passed the main doorway, Lena instantly noticed all of the patrons drinking and dancing in the dark club. She huffed out a short sigh and pushed her way to the bar- as there was only one thing on her mind at the moment. Lena looked at the wall of alcohol, spotting an old friend, Redbreast. She smirked and chuckled to herself at the spirit.

"What can I get you, madam?" The bartender smoothly asked.

"Can I have, that Redbreast Whiskey, straight?"

"Okay," he nodded, handing her the price and reaching up to grab the top shelf liquor.

He poured the drink into a glass and slid it to her, picking up her card which was just as bottomless as her glass was going to be for the night. Lena almost wanted to just buy the bottle but knew that prying eyes would criticize her.

She tore herself from the public view and walked to the back of the bar were a lone dark booth was waiting for her with open arms because she truly was too tense to be around anyone else. Sadly, the moment of conversational silence passed with painful brevity as a shadow was cast over the already dark table.

"It looks like you can use a friend," A chipper voice suggested.

"No thanks," Lena told her without looking up.

"Ah," She nodded, "I'm only being polite, you just look like you had a rough day. So, let me guess, near death experience? Because those happen way more than you think."

For the first time, Lena looked up but was instantly taken aback by the meddlesome woman. The blonde woman in front of her was like something out of a movie, no, a book. Someone only dreamed about because she just couldn't exist in the real world. Stuck at her beautiful features, Lena began to lower her gaze to the jaw-dropping dress that hugged her muscular curves and legs. So, she nodded, the woman looked down at her, enjoying the amount of control she had over this infamous businesswoman.

The woman held out a hand for Lena and introduced herself, "Kara."

Lena quickly grabbed the blonde's hand and nodded, "Lena," she breathed, completely ensnared by the young temptress.

Kara slid into the booth across her and continued, "So, Lena, you trying to drown yourself in the good stuff? I can offer you something better."

"What?" Lena laughed, sipping from her glass.

"Talking? Does that sound good?" A nod from Lena is enough for Kara to continue, "I like your name, Lena, and I think it fits you perfectly; it's alluring and tempting, but also light. I don't think you're bad. Well, not yet at least, but you are charming and enticing. I think if you used your powers on that girl over there in the silver halter," Kara points at a nubile brunette. "You would have her between your legs in less than ten minutes, I guarantee."

Lena, about to drink from her glass, was happy she didn't because she would have sprayed it everywhere. "So Kara. Since you know so much about me, tell me something about yourself."

Kara chuckled and relaxed into the booth before as she explains, "There isn't much to know about me. I'm not a player, I can assure you, I choose not to. But enough about my sex life. I am quite a social person, a bit clumsy," she joked "I'm originally from England, but I try to hide my accent. I'm honestly a nervous mess but I when I'm here, I like to try on a different face."

Lena opened her mouth to say something but nothing left her lips, she looked just dumbfounded. After some time Kara chuckles, which makes her break out of her dumbfounded spiral, and she asks, "This is your club?" Kara grinned again and nodded in response. Lena didn't expect this, so, to hide her surprise she quickly takes a swig from her whiskey.

"So Lena, now that that's settled, might I be able to help you."

"How?" Lena asked.

"If you could wish one thing? What would it be?"

Lena thought for a second and answered, "True love, I mean, it doesn't exist, but yeah, true love."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, besides, it's just the thought of having somebody next to me who gets me, and wants me and just loves me no matter what. Somebody who'll support me and shit like that."

Kara smirked weirdly and held out her hand. Lena did nothing at first and simply looked down at her hand before she shook it. "Well, Lena, you've come to the right place. My name is Kara Morningstar."

Edited by: AFY2018

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