Chapter 13 // The Imposter

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Just before their lips meet Kara hears "Kara." From a all to familiar voice. She quickly stands up and storms towards the person in question. She grabs him by his neck and holds him up. 

Through gritted teeth she says "Cousin." Not a single hint of pleasantries in the word.

He smiles and says, without having problems of being held up by his neck "No, no. Kara we are not cousins. We are so much more," His eyes dart towards a now standing Lena "Did you already tell her the other prophecy?" Kara stays silent "No? Good, that means I will tell it to your beloved. The second and real prophecy state: When the Devil and God finally throw away their fight, love will take its place. In order for the Devil to give herself to the God she needs to throw away her humanity. Her caring about those mere humans. When that day arrives the world will flourish. God, and his then wife the Devil will rule. Make sure everybody lives in peace and will be loved."

Kara looks at him and says through gritted teeth again a simple word, a word that means so much more than a single word "Never."

"But there is where you are wrong, my Kara. That woman there," He points at Lena "Will never be what you need- what you want. She is just a shell, alone and broken. But me? I got everything," Kara hears the first thud, a demon landed. Now all she has to do is wait "I can give you everything my love," He slowly caresses her cheek "I will give you everything. You just have to let go. That's all you need to do. Leave that whore, and join me." About fifteen other thuds have been heard by Kara. Now is the time.

Kara chuckles, she actually chuckles and with that she blinks. Her irises slowly turn gold, Kal-El gulps his saliva down. In a low and scary tone she says "You see Kal-El. First you come to my home where you are banned, secondly you call my wife a whore. And thirdly, you are wrong. So, so wrong. You see, I don't need you. I am stronger. I will always be stronger, and you know what? No? You pissed me off. And that means that you pissed many living beings off. So let's be clear," She places him down and he quickly gets the wrinkles out of his clothes. When he looks up at Kara he is met by a first in his face. He stumbles back as she coldly says "You don't want to get the Devil mad." 

And with that Kal-El gets attacked by many Demons who came to protect their leader. Kara just turns around and walks over to Lena. Lena walks into her person space ad goes for a kiss but Kara just shakes her head. She mumbles quite broken "I am going to my study."

And with that she walks back to her study. She doesn't care what happens to Kal-El, now all she can think about is dome alcohol. So she orders a servant to get her Tartarean Rum. She sits down in her big chair and within minutes the servant returns with a glass full of it. When she is about to take the first sip, the doors open and Lena comes walking in. She quickly makes her way over to the desk and takes the glass out of Kara's hands and places it on the desk. 

In a mad tone Lena says "You don't get to do that! For fucks sake! Kara we are bloody married! You either talk to me what has got you like this or you have no right to mope. Am I understood?" 

Kara is impressed, she didn't expect this. Well, she kinda did that Lena was able to do something like this but not Lena already saying that they need to do things together. So Kara nods, looking quite impressed by Lena. 

And with that Lena makes her way around the desk and roughly captures Kara's lips with her own for a heated kiss. Kara smiles brightly when Lena kisses her like this, because it's just- brilliant. Slowly but surely the kiss becomes a battle for dominance. But with this awkward angle Kara has an idea. She quickly grabs Lena and rushes to the couch in her study. There she sits down and let Lena straddle her. 

Their tongues collide and a moan escapes Lena. Slowly but surely Kara's hands start to roam Lena's body, who just lets out a whimper in response. For a beginner with that Kara is actually quite... professional. It takes quite some time for her to let out a moan. But when it comes, Lena is satisfied. The problem is, when are they going to stop. Basically, they don't need oxygen. And endless stamina means... endless of this. 

Suddenly Lena starts to untie Kara's tie but with that Kara pushes Lena away who lets out a whine in response. "Lena, as much as I enjoy this. I don't want sex while you are mad at me. I understand your side of the story, and really there is not a single thing I want more in this universe," That is all it takes for Lena to capture Kara's lips with her own. But Kara shakes her head and pushes Lena again away. "No, no. Not yet darling," Kara stays silent for a moment thinking. "We could cuddle in bed if you want?"

Lena eagerly nods, she doesn't lie about being turned on right now. But nobody asks questions, so she doesn't need to give answers. While Kara carries her to their bedroom she studies Kara because something Kal-El said made her think 'give up her humanity' does that mean she is in her mind human? Or? She doesn't know. But that doesn't mean she doesn't care. She will ask about this. Soon. So that she has all the answers she wants and needs.

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