Chapter 14 // Stalker

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Lena lies with her head on Kara's chest, relaxing. Kara just slowly combs through Lena's hair. She still has that one question in her head so she speaks up "Why did he say lose your humanity?"

Kara's hand stops and after a bit of time she speaks up "I- I am not human if that's what you think. But I have human traits, since I talk and work with so many old humans. And- that means that you change. And I changed, I am not a egocentric asshole like he is." Lena chuckles and Kara continues with her combing through Lena's hair.

"We are truly being domestic aren't we?" Kara smiles brightly, but Lena doesn't see it since she just stares at some place in the room. 

"Yes, I think we indeed are. But does that matter?" Lena looks up at Kara and shakes her head. "Good, that means that we can do this much more. We do have eternity for this," Kara winks and says "Hey darling, are you a God? Because you seem eternal."

Lena bursts out laughing and Kara joins her "That one is just awful! Who came up with it?"

Kara smiles at Lena and promptly says "Me. I always wanted to try that one out. And thank you for laughing, even though it wasn't that good." And with that they lay there for hours. Literally hours. 

But when they finally part Lena decided that she could look around the mansion. So right now she is wandering around the many corridors. Suddenly somebody walks beside her and asks "Temptress, I believe we met. But I never said my name." Out of politeness Lena stops and when she sees the woman she has absolutely no idea from where she knew her from. 

The woman holds out her hand and Lena shakes it, while shaking each others hands the woman says "I am Leslie Willis, Demon of the eight rank. It is truly a pleasure to meet you Temptress." Lena just nods, apparently this demon addresses her as Temptress.

Lena puts on her fake smile and says "It's a pleasure to meet you too. But I must get going, this mansion is quite big and there is much to explore."

And with that she starts walking, when she thinks she is being left alone Leslie catches up with her and says "I will accompany you, otherwise you might take just the wrong stairs and forget where you need to go." Lena nods, being polite sucks at the moment. She doesn't want hat other person with her, but apparently the person doesn't get the message.

"So, Temptress. Why are you here all alone and not with your wife? Not that I don't like it but still." Something about that tone makes Lena absolutely hate the person more and more.

"My wife needed to work. So she said that I could train or do something I would like. And I thought I would like this. But clearly I am wrong." Leslie has this strange smile on her face, which doesn't go unnoticed by Lena. What is she getting at? 

"I completely get it. But," Suddenly Leslie's hand is on her shoulder which puts her to a halt. "I can make it so much better." Lena takes a step backwards but she is already too late. Leslie lunges forward and kisses Lena roughly. But it is one sided. Lena stands there in shock, luckily for her as fast as the kiss started it is over. Because suddenly Leslie is thrown back against the wall. And a low growl comes from the person who did it.

In shock Lena looks at Kara, who stands there, wings unfold, like she could kill Leslie. Kara suddenly lunges forward and grabs Leslie, who she drags away. Lena just follows her and together they walk to the garden. There Leslie gets thrown to the ground where she whimpers and begs something unhearable. 

In her commanding voice, the voice that all Gods and demons can hear, Kara yells "The trial of Leslie Willis will start shortly." Kara then walks to Lena and roughly grabs Lena's hand, and with that she walks away. Lena has no possible thing to do but oblige. So she quickly catches up with Kara and when Kara suddenly stops she stands next to her.

Kara looks down so Lena places a hand on Kara's face and lifts a bit, making sure their eyes meet. She softly moves her thumb over Kara's chin and says "Relax Kara, you will make the right choice. Even though I have no idea what is happening." Kara eyes dart down and she nods.

After some time of silence Kara whispers "She is going to die. She broke one of the main laws, no touching you unless you allow them to. Just like with Alex and Maggie. But even they watch out. But- now she is going to die. I never liked her but getting vaporised- is just. Not good."

One question burns into Lena's mind so she asks it "What will happen to her once she is dead again?"

Kara looks up and says "She will be one of those workers downstairs. And it won't ever be possible for her to be a demon. But- that means she never gets to live again. That she never gets to live the good life."

Lena nods and with that they make their way back. The trail is pretty straight forward, Leslie is pressed guilty of law fourteen. And while the whole trail Leslie begs for mercy. But Kara can't give it. Lena needs to be protected. She needs to have her wishes respected. And the laws are holy, they need to respected otherwise the punishment is clear. Death. And no chance of turning back.  

Lena gasps when the inevitable moment comes, it's horrifying. Kara is just- different. Not bad different, but after the whole execution she is distant. Which Lena hates, they are in this forever. So that means they need to talk. Maybe Lena isn't used to being married or things like that, but Kara- Kara means much to her. 

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