Chapter 5 // Jimmy 'James' Olsen

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That night Kara walks to her study, Lena is still training with Alex downstairs and Winn is off to bed. The last time he needs to sleep, which will be a hell. Well, not a hell. But it will make your day harder to fill. But Winn will probably manage. Maybe he will hate that he doesn't need to eat, but that doesn't mean he can't eat. So he can still enjoy pizza, or potstickers. 

But Kara needs to do some work done, otherwise humans will have a terrible life. Which is quite ironic. The Devil, making human lives better. But Kara doesn't care, well actually she does otherwise she wouldn't be doing this. She likes when bad people get what they deserve but not all of them. Some are actually quite good. They had only some bad influences, and that can create a lot of problems.

She arrives a her study and sits down behind her desk. She sighs when she sees all the reports, normally she would get all the interesting and difficult cases, so that's good. But right now it is just a task she needs to do, well she doesn't really need to do it. But if she won't do it who will? She grabs a report from the table and reads the front page 'Jimmy (James) Olsen' Kara smiles at the name, she knows this person. He is a photographer at Catco. 

She reads further at the report somebody made, when she reads the name of the writer she knows it will not go into details or will be extremely good since this person just started. 'James, is having problems dealing with his past. My advice is not to make his father live again but give James a way to redeem himself, since he wasn't at his father's funeral since he was locked up in a coffin in the building. This has left James with a low level PTSD. So getting shot at will leave him with a bigger cause of PTSD. This means making him a vigilante or member of the military is impossible.'

Kara sighs because this is going to be difficult. She continues reading 'I think you should just say: if I could give you one thing, it could be anything, what would it be? Just give himself the choice since that will make your life way easier.' Kara groans, and walks back to the garden. She needs Alex or Lena's help for this. 

Outside she yells "Alex! Lena!" Which makes the two woman look at her with a raised eyebrow and walk towards her. Kara just stands there and doesn't look at them. Inspecting the report. He has a sister, so she could make use of that? Make them have a better relationship or a chance to?

When Alex and Lena are close she practicality flings the report at Alex who catches it with ease and opens it to read. Lena stands next to her and also reads it. Kara just walks away to one of the sitting spaces in the garden and sits down on a couch. She relaxes a little and like the servant waited she gets a glass of whiskey. She smiles brightly and takes a swig. 

A couple minutes later Lena and Alex join her at the sitting space. Kara raises an eyebrow and asks a bit too snappy "And?" 

Lena shakes her head and says "I get why you are irritated by this case. That person didn't really did a good job at writing or giving you advice."

Kara's eyebrow raises higher in surprise as she asks "How do you know what a good report looks like?" 

"I read Winn's report. I thought it would be smart to do that." Kara almost shines because her smile grows really big. 

Lena looks at her surprised but she smiles shyly when Kara exclaims "That's great! Perfect even! That means you can do your job in no time! I could kiss you right now!" Kara being her oblivious self misses Lena blushing and ducking her head. "So Alex, Lena. What is your opinion. What do I need to do?"

Alex glances down at the report in her hands and says "I think you should repair his relationship with his sister. Make sure she gets a job in National City," Lena hums in agreement and Kara nods for her to continue "That guy already has a lot. But he needs somebody who will look out for him. Make sure he stays okay. And who is better than a family member that has some idea about that field."

Kara slowly nods, Alex is right. That is the best decision, good that she thought about it earlier. But Lena needs to learn- the control room! "Alex, when I am going to help James. Could you take Lena to the control room down under? No, I don't mean the Aussies I mean Hell. It would be a great opportunity for her to learn. Because I will be leave in exactly five minutes so you still have time to get downstairs. Could you do that for me?"

Alex smiles and says "Of course, and thanks for being nice. It's way better than you commanding me. I will take care of Lena down there, make sure she is protected from curious and protective demons at all times," Alex gives the report back to Kara and stands up, before she leaves she says "I will give you two some time alone. So you can explain what the control room is." Kara nods gratefully and with that she turns towards Lena who has this shine in her eyes, probably because she is curious. 

Kara chuckles and asks "Are you ready for your first time seeing how the magic is done? Because it's quite a lot to take in, actually not. You are smart so you will learn it in no time. But still, are you ready for this life Lena? Because I think he first thing that will happen is you needing to get used to your new name: Temptress."

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