Chapter 20 // A God Lives

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Lena looks shocked at Kara and quickly shakes her head. But Kara is having none of it. She simply snaps at Lena with her commanding voice, which is quite terrible for all the demons to hear "DON'T LIE TO ME." Kara quickly composes herself and almost whimpers "I- I- I am sorry. I- I didn't want to yell at you."

Lena nods and slowly stands up. Carefully she makes her way over, looking for Kara's reaction with each step. But Kara just stands there looking at the bed. Not even at Lena anymore. It's like she is some state of shock, not moving. Heck even not breathing. 

When Lena stands in front of Kara she all but throws herself around Kara, saying nice things and stroking the now crying woman. She repeats multiple times "It's okay, you are okay. You didn't do anything wrong." Kara slowly nods along with the mantra, starting to believe it a little bit. After some time Lena lets go so Kara is in arms length and says "Why are you thinking this?"

Kara mutters almost unhearable "I- I tricked you. I was selfish. I- gave you no choice. I took away your humanity. And now you are this- a monster. Because you will outlive every human. Every friend you could have had. Every child you could have created. I- I took it all. And I gave you no choice. And- what if I everybody didn't ask for this? What if they didn't want this, not now not ever. What if you-" She gets shut up with soft lips on her own. 

Lena quickly pulls away and says "You- Kara, are never selfish. No. You chose this for my own good, I might have been mad at first but you gave me so much more than I already had. So many more important things. You- are just perfect. And that's why I love you."

Kara looks shocked at Lena, she almost looks like a goldfish with her mouth open. She slowly nods and says "I- I love you too." And with that she pulls Lena towards her again. She roughly captures Lena's lips with her own. Suddenly Kara feels way warmer than before so Lena breaks off the kiss and takes a step back. Kara is completely surrounded by white light. Kara groans a little and slowly her wings start to unfold. Only this time they are not white... no, they have a bit of a golden accent to it. 

Kara looks at Lena wide-eyed and says a bit in shock "I- I might have broken the rules?" Lena bursts out laughing so Kara says "I might have become God?" Lena throws herself at Kara, and hugs her tight.

She whispers into Kara's ear "I am proud of you."

Kara just places a kiss on Lena's head and with that the door bursts open. In comes Alex yelling "You fucking did it! You- How?!?" Lena quickly lets go of Kara so that Kara can turn around. But before she does that she makes sure her wings are folded in again. 

Kara smiles at Alex and says "I said I love you, and I meant it. I meant every. Single. Word. And- before that I asked her if she thinks I did it wrong. Because I have been so selfish even though I didn't think of it. But now! Now I am God! I- I... Alex, get Kal-El. Break into his hideout and get him here. We are going to bring him to the Afterlife and make sure he gets locked away for ever." Alex nods and walks away.

Kara turns towards Lena again who stands there flabbergasted. "You love me?" Kara nods "I- What does this mean for us?" Kara smiles and says "Now that all the Demons are turned into Angels it means that we are going to get married in a couple of years, because I don't think we need to do it today. But nothing else will change. You are still their Queen and I their emperor. And for our relationship? I have no idea, that will be a team decision."

Lena nods and with that she takes a couple steps forward towards Kara, kissing her softly on the lips. When they part she says "I very much like that." Kara simply smiles and nods. And hungrily she kisses Lena again. It's safe to say that that day they have had their exercise. Even though they don't need any. That evening they host a party, in the Afterlife. For every Angel possible, nobody needs to work. They just drink Empyrean rum, since they live in Heaven now. Many Angels end up drunk, but that doesn't matter. Because when Kal-El gets walked to his cell the whole Afterlife ends up jeering.

Kal-El even has the guts to say "I could have given you so much more." But that man, almost nothing more than a mere mortal, just gets pushed forward again. But Kara is having none of it "I don't like dicks! So no! You can never give me more. Since I already got everything!" And with that she kisses Lena again. Full on the lips, not because she is drunk, she didn't drink a single drop, but to show to who her loyalties are.

And Lena knows full well that Kara is there forever for her so she didn't get jealous. It's safe to say that the second prisoner ever is going to have fun. The first being a guy named Mon-El, who isn't nice and tried to take control over the world through Kara. But Kara being Kara and Kara having Alex he failed. Now the second prisoner is a prisoner because he didn't help the world even though he could. He could have done so much but didn't do a thing.

From now on Kara, God, will be all he wasn't. She will show the world what kind of world it could really be. How good it could be. And she will do it together with her wife. Temptress, a woman who is hurt so many times but finally got everything she wants. 

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