Chapter 2 // Too Fast

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Lena just looked at Kara with a confused glazed face- not being helped by the woman across her who simply sat there, arms outstretched across on the back of the booth- before composing herself and asking, "Morningstar you said? And how do you think you can help me?"

Kara smiled at Lena, revealing her delightful dimples, "Do you trust me?"

Lena scoffed and asked, "How can trust someone I just met?"

Kara slowly nodded but knew exactly what to say, "I kinda know what you're going through, but for me, it's my cousin. He's a real asshole. He's got this idea that he's helping the world but he's just meddling in other people's business. It's not like I hate him- I could never-, but he's a bit too pious and egotistical sometimes."


"Because people worship him. But, it's only because he constantly promises things he can't actually make happen. It's not in his own nature to truly help people. But you and me, we're people who can. We know how to make people happy."

Lena slowly nodded, but instantly looked down and affirmed what she thought, "I do."

"Good," Kara pulled a ring off of her left hand and slid it across the table.

Lena stopped it before it fell to the ground and inspected it. Silver, stainless steel? She wasn't sure about the material yet but it had a fancy seal on it. Probably a familial, the seal has some sort of design that includes devil horns and a bright dark red 'M' in the middle.

Kara spoke up again, but this time much more commanding than before "Put it on, right hand, fourth finger." Lena looked up surprised by her suddenly dominating nature and without a thought, she slid it on.

When the ring was in its new place she felt it tighten against her skin. She tried to remove it but it just tugged at her skin. She looked up in fear at Kara but quickly composed herself again.

Between gritted teeth, she asked, "What did you do."

Kara put her hands up in mock surrender- looking innocent- so Lena brought her attention back to the ring, trying to discreetly inspect it, twisting it around her finger to somehow pull it off, but nothing worked. As if it melted into her skin, the ring just wouldn't budge. Kara's chuckle broke through frustrated silence, making Lena's head snap up in annoyance.

"You might have some difficulty taking it off, so I'd stop before you hurt yourself," Kara laughed, "My wife."

Lena's mouth fell open at the new relationship she was tricked into. "Did she just say, wife!" Lena thought. She shot up out of the booth and made her way out of the club. She walked to the bar, grabbing Phillip's hand and leading him out of the bar. Without a word, even with the questions from her chauffeur, Lena directed him back to the car. Once she got out of the club, Lena was instantly rushed by the press, cameras flashing and questions being yelled, one over another. They were all yelling something rudely invasive to her, calling, poking, grabbing, groping, and pushing. Phillip pushed and kicked his way through to their car.

Without a thought, Lena mumbled to him, "Bring me home, Phil."

He just mumbled something along the lines of, "Of course, miss."

He Sped away from the crowd, but a couple of minutes she knows something is wrong. They aren't driving to the right place. So she speaks up "Phillip, I think you're going to the wrong place?"

He continued in silence until they were stopped at a red light. He turned around and he asked, "I thought you wanted to go to the mansion- not to your apartment- since your wife will be there shortly."

Lena slowly nodded, he was bringing her to some mansion, which one? She doesn't remember having a mansion apart of the one her mother lived in. Lena shook her head as she glanced down at her ring, Kara played her, she won, and now Lena was stuck with the stupid band that wouldn't come off. As she thought about the words that led up to her getting the piece from Kara, she realized that she actually wanted it. She wanted somebody, anybody that would or could love her and her only and Kara just took the lead. She rose to the occasion, but how she did it? Lena had no idea.

They drove a few more blocks until they came into the Fab Fifties, a continuous street that only the outrageously wealthy lived. Lena had been invited to a few parties there, but declined- she was always used as a prop whenever she attended those parties. They stopped in front of one of the most important mansions on the block. Apparently, it was the most expensive mansion in the area- worth millions because of the glass and woodwork- where nobody had lived for years due to sheer expense, but those were only rumors because there wasn't a "For Sale" on the lawn.

Phillip stopped the car in front of the gigantic modern mansion- perfect for parties- and let Lena out.

"Phillip, I don't live here."

"I was told to bring you here, ma'am."


"Ms. Lena Luthor?" A feminine voice called from the front door.

Lena turned around to see a woman's silhouette from the front door. She towards the voice, leaving Phillip to drive away again. Luthor turned her head to watch the car silently glide through the lamp-lit streets. When she got close enough, she realized who the person was, Kara Morning-fucking-star. She backed away from the door and immediately walked back away. Kara stopped her, gently holding onto Lena's arm. She closed the distance between them and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"We should get inside so I can explain stuff to you," Kara advised near her ear.

"Fine," Lena nods.

Kara holds out her hand for Lena, who takes it. If this building is anything from those stories it means it's a maze, being even larger than Freddie Mercury's Kensington Mansion. Kara led her inside, where they arrive at the main entrance.

First impressions are breathtaking as the black and gray marble flooring gave way to the sand-colored twin stairway wrapping up in a curve to the second landing. It reminded Lena of the fake ones from movies and plays, almost as grand as the ones from Gone with the Wind. A few maids stood at the bottom of the staircase, still as statues, with kind and inviting smiles on their faces. Kara lightly tugged Lena up the staircase to the second landing without a word and past many dark oak doors.

Kara opened one of the fancy doors, making Lena's jaw drop. The room is giant with chandeliers and beautiful original copies of art. The bed... it just looks perfect, but before she can really take in the beauty of the room, Kara walks past her and motions for Lena to sit on a couch. Kara herself sat down in an armchair, and with one swift motion, the fireplace next to them roars to life. Lena's closed her mouth and just looked at the room, its beauty still breathtaking.

Kara breaks the silence with, "So Lena, let's make this easy." And continues with words Lena never thought were going to be said, "I'm the devil."

Edited by: AFY2018

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