Chapter 15 // The First

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After about an hour of Kara being distant they lay together in bed. This time Kara lays with her head on Lena's chest while Lena slowly combing through Kara's golden locks with her fingers. Kara is just completely silent, she hasn't said anything since. And Lena is losing her patience, it isn't that she doesn't like this. But of Kara is having a problem talking will help. So she decides enough is enough and speaks up "Kara, you need to talk to me?"

Kara doesn't shift her gaze to her when she speaks up "I- I hate doing that, it was only my fifth execution. And- everything it just makes me feel awful. I- I didn't choose this role. I- I don't want to be the Devil. The world chose a route for me but ever since I have been trying to change it. And- And, I- I don't want it. I just want to be the good guy for a change."

Lena slowly nods and knows that Kara is wrong- so wrong. So she decides to say the truth to her wife. "Kara, you- you can be so dumb sometimes," Kara looks up with a crinkle in between her eyes. "Don't you see it?!?" Lena exclaims "You are the good guy! And you have been it for years! If you weren't the good guy you wouldn't do the things you do. You wouldn't help the people you help. You wouldn't be hurt by an execution. So darling, you- you are almost the embodiment of good. You do things many people wouldn't do. You give people second chances, you are the light in people's life when the world is way too dark. You," Lena points at Kara with her free hand and says "Are not the Devil. It's just some stupid title, just like Temptress is some sort of stupid title. We- and with that I mean you and me, as a team, are going to make this world a better place."

Kara slowly nods and moves up to kiss her wife. Who eagerly accepts this form of affection. When they part Kara places one last kiss on Lena's forehead and moves away. She stands up and says "I am going to get you something, just wait." Lena nods and with that Kara is off to her study. Lena is ready, and that means she is going to get the requested report: Lillian's report. 

It doesn't take long for her to grab the report and walk back. But she is nervous. This is a big thing, your first mission. And now they have two people who will get their first missions. She glances down at the report and sees the red stamp, meaning that it is a bad person. Who deserves nothing more than karma. And she will get karma, that is something Kara is sure of.

When she opens the door Lena sits against the headboard, looking excited. So Kara tosses Lena the report who clumsily catches it. Lena looks confused at her when she reads the name. Kara just ignores it and sits beside Lena on the bed. She doesn't look at Lena when she says "That's your first mission. You probably wonder why there is a red stamp, that means that person is bad and needs to pay for their deeds. Normally when I do something like that I make them believe they will get one wish, to wish for anything they want and then I make that wish completely backfire. But you- my Lena, are allowed to do whatever you want. Heck, you can even permanently damage her."

Out of the corner of her eye she sees Lena nod along with what she just said. "So- you expect me, the adoptive daughter of that awful woman, to get revenge on her while keeping my cool?" Kara looks at her and smiles.

"It's the perfect first test Lena," Kara's hand moves to Lena's cheek and cups it "You will know why, because you get this great feeling from it. Because if I am right, you don't like her. But that means you will love hurting her. Only, you shouldn't. So learn to keep yourself relaxed at all times and don't act on your feelings." Lena nods and with that Kara places a chaste kiss on her lips.

And with that Lena opens the report. Reading it page for page, from every bad thing Lillian did to another. Lena doesn't know how they have it this detailed. But they even have old stuff from Lena's life with her. She knows nothing for sure about this case. But she needs to play as God. Make sure that Lillian thinks she is going to get whatever she wants. A particular event that happened when Lillian was younger stands out, the woman got poisoned. Which is- terrible. You shouldn't poison a child, Lillian was a child at that moment. 

But Lena doesn't feel sorry for that monster of a woman. When she reads the stories she did to her she feels mad, like almost ready to explode mad. And that means she really explodes, so when Lena gets that mad Kara makes sure she calms down every time. It's good that Kara doesn't leave Lena's side because Lena is close quite some times. And- she also knows that Lena isn't the one for revenge cases.

But for now Kara is sure that Lena will succeed. And after this she will search for the best cases for Lena, just not those that are close to her. Like this one, but she needs to learn- learn how to stay calm even though you are facing your greatest demons, your greatest fears. And that will probably affect Lena in some way, emotional or physical. So Kara needs to be there for Lena when it happens. She needs to make sure her little family is ready for emotional support. For helping a god with powers she cannot yet think off with emotional problems. But they will help her, they can help her. They will do everything within their powers to make sure Lena comes out the right way/

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