Chapter 11 // Hearing

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When Maggie, Winn and Kara make it back to the mansion Lena and Alex are still training, luck of having endless energy. But it's depressing to see, the only thing you do is training. Kara just looks at Lena and Alex flying from her balcony. She sighs, this is the new normal, isn't it? It absolutely is. She for a fact needs to adjust. And that's new, she never needed to adjust. She did need to accept that not all people are nice, like Leslie, but that's normal. Well it wasn't normal for her at first but Alex helped her with it.

With a glass of scotch in her hands she stands there leaning over the railing. It has been quite a while that she did this. Being relaxed, not her usual workaholic self. Something Lena and her have in common, which is great since it's needed for the job. To work a lot, and still enjoy it. So maybe she needs to teach Lena how it is done...

Or she doesn't. Lena is smart to figure it out on her own. But now she only needs to find the perfect first candi- Lillian Luthor. It's settled, she gets her revenge. She gets to mess with Lillian. Give that woman everything she deserves for making her life terrible. Kara's neutral expression slowly changes into a grin, this might be the best thing she came up with for quite some time.

She closes her eyes and focuses on her hearing, on the one thing normally would keep her sane, Lena's heartbeat. It's that steady rhythm that is just relaxing, a song of its own. Even with this distance between them she finds it perfect. Suddenly Lena's heartbeat is all over the place. Kara quickly opens her eyes and sees Lena falling to the ground. Her wings unfold within milliseconds and she is up in the air in seconds. She races towards Lena and catches her before she hits the ground.

Lena is something like a state of shock, her hands are on her ears. She is screaming, so Kara knows what time it is. She lands on her back on the ground and holds Lena against her. She places Lena so that her right ear is positioned on Kara's heart that still beats it's normal rhythm. To gain Lena's attention she uses that one voice she promised to not use for quite some time. She almost roars and says in this deep, dark and commanding voice "Lena. Listen to my heart. Focus on it." She feels Lena nod against her and Kara just caresses Lena. Making sure she slowly rubs, trying to get the woman to calm down. Which she succeeds to do after some time. Lena is probably now locked onto her and only her.

So Kara guesses that Lena can probably also hear her voice. So she calmly speaks up to explain things "That's your enhanced hearing. To make it stop you need to focus on something, with me it's your heartbeat. But before that it was Alex' heartbeat. So you just need to search for that one heartbeat you like and listen to it. Slowly but surely everything will fade. And about everything else, like what you need to do now. Just relax. Your body will catch up in no time, knowing that it needs to filter more. But you have endless energy so don't worry. All will be fine." 

Lena visibly relaxes a bit more after Kara's speech, or whatever that was. But she relaxes and that is all that matters for Kara. They just lay there for some time, Lena being in the safety of Kara's arms and Kara liking this feeling, the feeling of somebody being close. They part when Kara hears somebody clearing her throat. She looks to the person who made the sound and sees Alex standing there a bit irritated and Maggie with the biggest grin ever on her face.

Kara sighs a bit irritated and asks "What?" a bit too snappy. 

Maggie chuckles and Alex mouths 'Ask her out' so Kara nods and with that they leave again. She has no idea why Alex and Maggie needed to do that but it kinda ruined everything. It makes Kara quite nervous to think about asking Lena out, but she is going to do it.

"Lena?" Asks Kara, and Lena just hums in response. "Would you like to go on a date with me? Like, tomorrow evening?"

Lena looks up and meets Kara's eyes, she smiles and simple says "Yes, I would love to." Kara sighs in relief. She did it, she asked Lena out. And Lena even said yes. She has no idea why Lena said yes, but she did. Maybe Lena is developing feelings for her? Which is good- no, it's great if that's the truth.

That means there is hope, that Lena and her are meant for each other. That there is hope for a brighter future. Hope that Kara can develop those feelings that are indescribable, and are summarised in one word: Love. Which is a strange word, because for everybody it is different. For Kara it's a future, a possibility, a word that doesn't exist yet but could. For Lena it is everything she wants, the most important thing she wants. The one thing that sometimes stayed her up all night because she couldn't sleep due to loneliness.

For them both it's something they strive for. Something they will accept with open arms. And it's absolutely pathetic. Because they are two Gods, people with all the power in the world. With one snap they can make everybody fall in love with them. And all they want is to wait for it to happen naturally. But that means that it can also never happen. That nobody will love them, that they can't love each other. But today- today is a day that shows progress. Caring from Kara's side and acceptance from Lena's. It's a small step to love but everything is done in small steps and of course sometimes a giant leap of faith. But that is in the end also a small step in the total process. 

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