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Alexis sighed to herself as she stood from the car with her boyfriend max. Max looked to her and smiled as Alexis picked up Her daughter, Gracie and held her on her hip. Alexis looked to the school in front of her and sighed to herself as she ran a hand through her hair. She couldn't believe that she was back here. Her old school, where her life had changed. It had been two years since she had left school. Alexis has got involved with her English teacher tom Clarkson. She thought that he loved her and that he wanted her but when she got pregnant with Gracie it only confirmed that he thought that she and Gracie weren't worth it. That they weren't worth the risk of it all and worth Coming out as a couple. Alexis has left when she was seventeen and had spent the next two years working n herself. She was training to be a teacher and she was scared over it all.

Max looked to Alexis and smiled as he took Gracie from Alexis and smiled as he held the little girl that he thought of as a daughter close. He looked to Alexis and smiled "it's going to be okay, I know that your scared but it will be okay. Your going to be an amazing teacher lex, you know it and if he is there screw him as he didn't want to see Gracie so he can't now" max said as Alexis looked to him and smiled "I know, your right. I'm lucky to have you, I have no idea what I'd do without you. I love you and so does Gracie. She has seen you as her father" Alexis said as he smiled "I see her as mine too, I was there since you were seven months pregnant after all" max said as she looked to him and smiled.

Later that day, Alexis stood in the staffroom and smiled as her older sister Esmè walked in. Alexis looked to her and smiled "where is my favourite niece" she asked as Alexis looked to her and rolled her eyes "in the crèche" she said as max walked in. He walked over to Alexis as he felt the colour drain from his face. He felt as though he was looking at a ghost. He and Esmè had history at John fosters history that he didn't want Alexis to know about "this is my boyfriend max" Alexis said as Esmè looked to him and smiled slightly "nice to meet you" she said before she walked off and Alexis frowned realising just how weird it all was.


Later that day, Alexis and max stood in the office making out as the door opened as Tom walked in and frowned as he looked to Alexis "Lexi" he said as she looked to him and frowned as max placed a hand on her shoulder. He knew her anger towards him "your back, can we talk" he said as she looked to him and glared "why would I want to talk to me, you hurt me and I have nothing to say. I don't need you and neither does Gracie. She has a father, a father who wanted her even though her real one did. Stay away from me" she spat as she walked off as Tom looked after her and frowned. He wanted her back and he wanted to be involved in their daughter's life. Tom was going to get his family, no matter the cost.

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