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Alexis sighed to herself as she walks into the house after she dropped Gracie for at Toms. Alexis smiled as she saw Esmè who looked to her and smiled

"are you okay?" Esmè asked as Alexis looked to her and smiled.

"I need to talk to you it's over max" Alexis said as Esme looked to her and frowned. She was worried. She was worried over what Alexis was wanting to talk to her about fearing that she knew over her and max and the affair that they had been having. Alexis knew that she didn't want her sister to hate her. Esme looked to Alexis and frowned

"is everything okay?" She asked. Alexis looked to Esme and sighed as she walked into the living room and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. Her head was a mess. She knew that she was with max but she also knew how there was something missing when she was with max and she didn't like it.Esme walked in and sat with her


"I can't do it anymore es, with max. I can't live a lie anymore, I hate it. I hate that I am still in love with tom and as much as I wish I wasn't I am and there is nothing I can do about it, it's not fair" Alexis said.

Esme looked to her and smiled. She felt mad knowing that she had been sleeping with max but she knew that her sister had been through a lot and she Hated what she and max were doing but now that Alexis was talking over ending it she felt as if she had a chance with max so that they could be together yet she didn't know if it was what max wanted. Esme pulled Alexis into a hug and smiled

"it's okay, I know that you don't want to hurt anyone but it's not fair on you. I know that you love tom but if you have a chance to be with him and be happy then maybe you should go for it" Esme said as Alexis looked to her and smiled.

She knew Esme had a point but she didn't know if she could trust Tom not to break her heart, not again and not with him he had been when she fell pregnant. She didn't know why to do but her head was a mess. Alexis didn't know what to do but she knew that she needed to try and follow her heart


Alexis got to toms. He answered to door and looked to her and smirked "I thought I was bringing grace over later, she's at my mums" Tom said as Alexis smiled

"it's fine, i came to see you" she said as Tom looked to her and smirked as she walked into the house. She walked into the hallway and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair

"is everything okay" tom asked as she turned to face him and smiled "I love you Tom, i do, I love you so much and it's you that I want to be with and not max so I'm going to do it. I'm going to end it with max. I want you" Alexis said as Tom looked to her and smirked as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately.

She ran her hands through his hair as the kiss got more passionate as he pulled her close. He lead her to the bedroom as they kissed passionately. He pushed her onto the bed and smirked as he climbed on top of her.

They stripped off as he ran a hand up her thigh. He pulled her close causing her to moan as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. Alexis pulled Tom to her as she kissed him passionately

"I love you" she said as he smiled

"I love you too" he said


Alexis got back to the flat and sighed "max?" She called as she saw his keys and phone on the side. She frowned to herself as she walked to the bedroom.

She opened the door and felt her heart break as she walked inside and saw max and Esme in bed together. She felt betrayed by the two people that she trusted the most. She was hurt and didn't know if she could ever forgive them. Alexis knew now that she knew over them that nothing would be the same again

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