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Alexis sighed to herself as she stood in the kitchen as max walked in. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled "are you okay" he asked as she turned to face him and nodded "sorry, my head is just a mess. Everything with Tom is getting to me" she said as max looked To her and smiled. Max knew that Alexis and Tom had history and how he was gracies father but he couldn't help but feel uneasy as he thought of it. How he thought of how annoyed Alexis got over Tom "your...your not in love with him still are you?" Max asked as Alexis looked to him and rolled her eyes "of course not max, part of me still loves me but I'm not in love with him. He was my first love and gracies father and because of that i will always Love but it's you that I am in love with" she said as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Max placed a hand on her cheek and smiled. Max knew he hadn't exactly been honest to Alexis over him and Esmè and now he knew that he was Islas father. He knew he needed to tell Alexis over the fling he had with her sister but he also knew he needed to get his head clear over it. He couldn't tell Alexis yet when he didn't know what he wanted "I'll go and get Gracie is ready while you get sorted for work" max said as Alexis looked to him and smiled "what would I do without you?" Alexis said as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.


Alexis got to work and stood in the staffroom as Tom walked in and looked to her and smiled "can I talk to you" he asked as she looked to him and sighed "about?" "About Gracie, she's my daughter and I know what I did to you and to her. I know that I walked out on you but I'm sorry and I want to know my daughter" he said as she looked to I'm and sighed. She knew that she hated tom for his he had hurt her but she also knew that she wanted Gracie to have her father in her life. She knew she had Max but it wasn't the same and she wanted Gracie to know her father "one chance, you can come over tonight and we'll take it from there" she said as Tom looked to her and nodded.


Alexis sighed as she stood in her flat. She sent max a text and sighed. She had no idea how he was seeing Isla and wasn't at a meeting as he said. She heard a knock at the door and smiled as she saw tom. He walked in as Gracie sat on the floor playing "come on, let do this" Alexis said as she lead Tom over to Gracie and smiled "Gracie baby, this is your daddy" Alexis said as Gracie looked to Alexis and then to Tom and frowned "dadda" she said as he smiled "yeah I'm your daddy" tom said as he looked to her and smiled and looked to Alexis. Tom knew he wanted Alexis back and that he knew one way or another that he needed to find a way to win her back

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