“It’s just a sprain, should heal in a week” Carlisle smiled as he finished bandaging my wrist.
“Here I made you some tea” Esme beamed as she handed me a cup.
“Thanks” I reply taking the scolding cup from her.
“So… you really punched a werewolf in the face?” Esme continued to ask, trying not to pry.
“Yeah” I answer trying not to choke on the liquid that burned my throat. Esme was such an elegant and beautiful woman the words just seemed ridiculous coming from her mouth.
“Badass” Emmett smirked as he and Rosalie joined us.
“I’m sure he deserved it” joked Rosalie. I think out of all the Cullen’s the one who surprised me the most was Rosalie. She had such a settled mind, though she didn’t care much for Bella and that was only because she believed Bella was wishing her life away by becoming a vampire. But Rosalie took a liking to me when she found out that I didn’t want to be changed and she seemed to have respected the way I first treated her and the Cullen’s, she said that if she were in my place she would have acted the same, perhaps even worse. She said that I was the one who surprised her by pulling a 360 degree turn and becoming friends with them all by choice. It wasn't Bella who made me change my point of view on the Cullen’s it was Edward.
“So what made you take such a gutsy move?” Rosalie asked as she took a seat next to me on the desk once everyone left and retreated into the lounge room.
“Do you want to short version or the long?” I joked.
“Give me the long, I love a good love story” she smiled gently, as if she knew I were at my breaking point.
“How did you-“
“It’s written all over your face” she replied.
“Well basically, I mean when Bella left I didn’t have anyone to turn to. Dad was at work, I didn’t know anyone, Jacob was the only person I could turn to. We became really close, like really close. He told me that he’d always be there to protect me, that he would never hurt me. I can’t believe I listened to him” I say under my breath.
“Jacob didn’t talk to me for a week when he was going through his changes, he said I couldn’t be friends with him but didn’t tell me why and said it wasn’t my fault. But eventually he found a way. He was the one that pulled me out of the water, he trailed Victoria for days and found her just when she threw me over the edge. He was the one that held me when I cried, that broke down my walls. But nevermind that because he was also the one that broke my heart. When I told him I loved him he said that he couldn’t love anything associated with vampires, can you believe that” I question in annoyance. “And get this, after 3 weeks of not speaking he kisses me. Tells me he loves me, that he’s going to change and just kisses me. So what did I do, I-“
“Punched him!” Rosalie laughed as she finished my sentence.
“Yeah” I giggle. “You’re easy to talk to” I admit as she smiles.
“Well if you want my two cents. He’s had time to think over his actions. Time to regret what he said and how he acted. Has he fought with Edward or anyone since then?”
“No” I reply thinking back to how calm he has acted around them.
“And you still love him?”
“Yes” I answer sheepishly.
“And he loves you?”
“That’s what he said.”
“Look, you have a life. You have a chance to be free, to be human, don’t live it with regret is all I can say and trust me, you will regret not getting closure with him” Rosalie had some in depth knowledge, she really knew how to react to a situation. I admired her.
New Eclispe
WerewolfFly Swan is quick to learn that the world she has entered, since moving in with sister Bella and father Charlie, is one she never would have expected. When Bella leaves Forks with Edward and Fly is left to defend for herself can she find a saviour i...