Chapter 1

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"...the body couldn't be identified as the impact destroyed all recognizable features. DNA tests revealed that the victim is 52 years old Nattapong Perawat, owner of a small editorial company. No further details have been yet announced to the public and the investigation has fallen under the Department of F-"

Arthit shut the TV and threw the remote against the wall, what broke it into several pieces. It took him a few seconds to calm down while clenching his fists together. His phone rang and a reminder notification popped on the screen.

"Shit." He cursed aloud upon checking it, he's completely forgotten about his part-time job shift. It was already too late to cancel it as the policy allowed them to do it only one day prior to the scheduled times. Ditching the job wasn't also an option as Arthit desperately needed money.

He quickly grabbed his jacket and rushed out to make it in time. Despite all events and circumstances happening at the moment, Arthit was trying to be a responsible and functioning adult.

I really want to quit. He thought to himself as he left his small flat and started walking towards the nearest metro station. He hasn't gone out since it happened, which was now over a week ago. His phone was on mute, he didn't attend university and ignored everyone. His mother came to check on him one time but Arthit didn't bother to let her in.

"Family needs to be together at times like this." Was what she said as if she'd already forgotten about the past.

"Past shapes people but doesn't define them." His father used to say. Upon recalling that memory, Arthit pulled the hood of the jacket over his head and gritted his teeth. "Fuck." He cursed under his breath, fighting back emotions.

*** *** ***

"Thank you for coming today, goodbye." Arthit greeted the last costumers before changing the sign from 'open' to 'closed.' His head was spinning and his legs hurt. There were so many customers he had to work overtime. Looking cheerful was more than energy-draining. At least, the work made him busy enough for his mind to take some rest and don't think too much.

"You may go home now." His boss suddenly appeared behind him and his body jerked.

"Y-yeah, thank you." Arthit bowed his head a little and went to change from his uniform. Working as a waiter was tiresome, but at least the tips were good. He was hit on by many customers, especially females, but the excuse "I like men" has always worked.

Well, not many knew he was telling the truth as they brushed it off as cute, non-harming rejection.

"Be safe on your way back." His boss waved him as goodbye and Arthit politely nodded. He knew there weren't any available trams or buses on his transport line at this hour, thus he had to walk. Taking a taxi wasn't an option as it would cost all of today's paycheck.

"This day cannot get worse." He said to himself while hiding his clenched hands in pockets. It was still chilly outside at this hour and he'd forgotten his hoodie at home, wearing only a t-shirt and a light jacket.

Arthit tried to motivate himself by playing a cheerful music in his headphones but ended up turning it off. Instead, he'd decided to enjoy his 50-minute walk home in peace and quiet.

His thoughts quickly drifted away and recalled unpleasant memories he wished to avoid that much. Arthit needed to stop every few minutes, take a deep breath and shook his head to continue walking. If he wouldn't have been so lost in his own world, he could've noticed two men a few meters behind him. They'd been following him since he left the restaurant but Arthit was too careless.

Too careless.

When he made a right turn, he heard loud steps behind him that quickly escalated from walking to running. His body moved instinctively, as every sense in his body screamed, but it still wasn't quick enough.

The two men caught up with him in no time, one jumping at him with all the acceleration he gained from running. Arthit was thrown on the ground and hit his head against a hard asphalt.

"What the fuck do you want?" He yelled and tried to fight the man sitting currently on top of him.

Robbers? Killers? Abusers? Arthit panicked while using all of his left strength to beat the man. He tried to pull off all of his material art's knowledge he'd learned in third grade. He somehow managed to kick the attacker between his legs which made him jerk back in pain.

That was Arthit's chance to escape. He crawled from underneath the man's body and got up on his legs. He wanted to run away but a hand grabbed him and something fluffy was pressed against his mouth and nose. Before he could realize what was going on his body made him inhale from the shock.

A faintly sweet smell entered his body and spread to every corner.

Damn... Arthit's eyelids became very heavy and he suddenly couldn't feel his legs anymore. Moments later, everything went black and he lost consciousness.

"What the fuck, Joan?! We weren't supposed to use chloroform!" The man on the ground got up, still holding his crotch.

"Shut up, you went down after one hit! What else was I supposed to do?" Joan yelled at him frustrated by his own actions. "Whatever, he will wake up till we get there, I used only a small amount." He assured his coworker and himself.

"Fuck, I'll beat the soul out of you if you're gonna drag me down." He hissed and picked up Arthit. "Shit, he's heavy."

They loaded him into a mini-van and tied his hands.

"Tape his mouth, I don't want any screaming bitch to distract me while I drive." Joan ordered him and got in the car. "Man, I wouldn't want to be him." He shook his head and started the car's engine.

"I don't know what's boss thinking but that boy is done. Have you seen what he did to the previous one?"

"Watch your mouth if you don't want to end up like that too, you idiot. Becoming bosses bitch is nothing compared to that." Joan warned him and shivered.

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry, I'm only yours." Man on the passenger's seat grinned. "Besides, I bet the boss doesn't want him as a bitch, he could just easily hire one. Why going through all the troubles with kidnapping? There's more to it, I tell ya."

Joan gave him a quick glance before focusing on driving again. His eyes sparkled.

"You're sometimes smarter than one would expect, Gin. That's dangerous."

There is no regular updating schedule as I try to write whenever I have time. I can update three times a week or none, depends on my free time. ~

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