Chapter 5

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Sakumo started to cry too as he held his shaking son. Kakashi's cries reminded him of how he almost left him alone. He never thought that Kakashi would need him this much, he always appeared so strong and independent.

Kakashi's friends were shocked, to say the least, and the same went for his sensei. Kakashi was always so emotionless and cold and to see him sobbing and crying was making them more than uncomfortable. The Hokage was partly glad that Kakashi started to show emotions although it greatly disturbed him to think that all of this was because of a mere nightmare. How horrifying had it had to be to change him so much? 

Without anyone noticing, Anko began to stir and wake up. The first thing that popped into her mind was: why did she have a massive headache? Her head felt like someone had dumped a brick on her! 

At first, she couldn't make out more than silhouettes in her surroundings but when her eyes focused more she saw that she was in the Hokage's office. Lord Third sat behind his desk like always and looked deep in thoughts. There were also a couple of genins that she remembered as Kakashi's friends. Then there was Minato Namikaze and Orochimaru, her father figure. And lastly, her gaze focused on a crying silver-haired mess that clung onto a man who also couldn't stop his tears. The older man had silver hair too so she figured it was Kakashi's father. 

"Kakashi-kun," she said quietly. 

After some time Kakashi let go of Sakumo only to hug Obito. 

"I am sorry! I'm so sorry!" 

Obito didn't know what to do so he just patted Kakashi's back awkwardly. Rin fainted at the sight of those two being friendly and Minato almost followed her. 

"It's okay Bakashi. It's okay. Now calm down." 

It was pointless because Kakashi only started to sob harder. Oh, how long had he yearned to hear these words from Obito. He just couldn't stop crying, it was just like he had feared! He had lost himself in his regrets and pain. How dumb had he been to think that one night was enough to accept his friends' death and move forward? 

Everyone stood there helplessly, not knowing how to deal with an emotional Kakashi, and they couldn't expect any help from Sakumo soon. 

Anko stood up slowly, her head was still hurting and she was determined that when she found out who knocked her unconscious she would skin him alive, but now she had to look out for Kakashi first. Her friend needed her! 

"Kakashi-kun, it's okay. You are safe now." 

Everyone looked at Anko. They all had forgotten that she was here too. 

However, Kakashi didn't calm down but latched onto the next person, in this case, Gai. 

Anko ignored all the stares and tried to think of a way to stop Kakashi. He was so different from when he was in the forest, so emotional and not cold and rational. She remembered how he attacked her almost as if on autopilot as if he had done it many times before. He had looked like a true shinobi, a warrior, a survivor... Anko remembered faintly that Orochimaru had once told her that shinobi that had that kind of autopilot would do anything to protect their loved ones. Even if fatally wounded they would fight like crazy. Maybe if... Well, it was definitively worth a shot... She quickly moved behind Minato.

"Do you have a kunai Namikaze-san? I have an idea to get him back to normal," she asked quietly. 

Minato looked at the purple-haired girl, calculating. He had absolutely no idea what relationship that girl had to his student but he decided to go with her idea since he really had no other option. 

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