Chapter 19

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When Fugaku walked back into Konoha accompanied by two platoons, one not his own, he felt numb and angry. And maybe, just maybe, a little bit scared of what was to come. His steps were powerful but lacked the usual elegance as he walked towards the hokage tower. A scowl marred his face when he thought to the conversation he would have to hold soon. It was all that idiotic Hatake's fault but he would have to feel the consequences! If the boy would have just stayed away non of that would have happened.

"Hokage-sama," Fugaku greeted Hiruzen politely, his gaze twitching through the office taking in the presence of not only Hiruzen but also of Danzo.

"Fugaku, it's good to see you although I didn't expect you back so soon. How are you?" Hiruzen smiled friendly but suspicion laced his gaze. He really didn't want another bad surprise. It had been bad enough that a team from Kakashi's platoon had arrived this morning, bringing the Genin he had send to Platoon 7 back. 


It had been a good morning for Hiruzen. He had gotten a notification that Platoon 2 had defended the eastern border successfully, there were little casualties and the Sannin were back in Konoha since yesterday evening. And best of all, he had finally gotten rid of the tower of paperwork! It was the start of a perfect day!

Relaxed, he sat in his chair and looked out of the huge panorama window. The sun had just started to rise and put the city into a magical light. Nothing could dampen his mood today, he was sure of that.

A knock on his office door forced him to turn his gaze from the beautiful sight.

"Come in."

He smiled gently when four people, one shinobi, two kunoichi, and a genin, entered his office.

"Hokage-sama," the four bowed quickly.

"Ah, kunoichi-san, how may I help you on this beautiful day?" asked Hiruzen calmly.

He noticed how all four were very nervous and agitated but he thought it to be nerves, nothing more.

Delilah gulped, her hands were trembling slightly but she repeated in her mind that Kakashi had said she would be alright. 

She took a step forward, handing Hiruzen the mission scroll and said shakily: "I'm Uchiha Delilah from the 7th Platoon under Hatake Kakashi. We have orders to accompany Genin Ito Yuma, who was send as reinforcement to Platoon 7, back to Konoha."

Anger coursed through Hiruzen and he harshly ripped the scroll from Delilah's hands. What did Kakashi think he was doing?! His eyes flew over the text, angrily taking in the words and hidden meanings behind them. Furiously he tossed the scroll against a wall.

"ANBU!" he shouted enraged and immediately two ANBU appeared in front of him, both kneeling and averting their gazes. It was always a terrifying experience when Hiruzen was mad. "Get me Orochimaru this instant! And you!" he turned to the four shinobi, "Get out of my office."

The four didn't waste a second to escape the office. 

It took six minutes for Orochimaru to appear in the office. Six minutes in which Hiruzen had re-read the scroll ten times and had cursed the young boy loudly and colourful. 

"You wanted to speak with me, Sensei?" Orochimaru hesitantly walked into the office, seeing as his sensei was in a terrible mood.

"You!" Hiruzen pointed accusingly at his student. "What the hell is Kakashi doing?!"

The Snake Sannin had no idea what his sensei was talking about so he only listened to his rant.

Hiruzen flung the damn scroll at Orochimaru and snarled: "Here! Read and tell me this isn't a sign of utmost disrespect!"

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