Chapter 28

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A merry christmas to everyone who is celebrating it!
Enjoy the next chapter, sorry it took so long.
Stella x

~Time skip 9th October 0 BNB~

Anko was sitting on a tree branch, thoughtfully enjoying some dango and watching her boyfriend of one year train on the training ground beneath her. Or, as she liked to call it, try to kill himself.

Even after all these years she still didn't know what was going on the silver-haired man's genius mind. However, she had learned to read and trust his intuitions, no matter how senseless and crazy they appeared.

Hence, why she heavy heartened put her dango away and took out her weapons to sharpen them and probably end up buying new ones to increase her arsenal. Whatever made Kakashi restless and agitated, she'd be prepared for it.

Ankos' intentions were good without a doubt, but she was oblivious for what destruction she was preparing for. Nobody did, except the time traveller and his friend Orochimaru.

Kakashi had felt insecure many times since he had first arrived in this time. Every event he changed be it small or big he had worried about the possible consequences and what would be the best way. But nothing could compare to what he was currently feeling.

The 10th of October was coming closer and closer and he still didn't know how to deal with this day. So much had happened in the last years and he had finally reached the point he had longed for but at the same time had wanted as far away as possible.

Team 7 would soon be together again.

All that was missing was Naruto.

Leaning on the reception desk whilst giving the head nurse his sweetest smile, he turned his head slightly to the side to give him an even cuter appearance. Jiraiya-sama's Icha-Icha Paradise always said that this would be the easiest and most fool proof-est way to get what you wanted and Kakashi was not above using dirty tactics to get his way. He just hoped Anko wouldn't see him act like this because his lovely girlfriend would never let him live it down.

"H-Hatake-sama," stuttered the older nurse blushing. "What can I do for you?"

Giving her a radiant smile, that caused him inwardly to shiver because it had way too much resemblance to Gai's, he replied casually: "I need information about the Haruno family, in particular where they live."

"I-I can't do that Hatake-sama."

"I won't tell anyone that I got the information from you."

Red-faced the poor nurse continued to shake her head.

"I'm sorry but this information underlays the patient confidentiality. If you want the address you need to talk to Hokage-sama."


"Why not, sensei?" asked Kakashi and tried to keep his annoyed tone out of his voice.

The nurse had been a dead end, he should have known better. After all, Sakura had been the leading Head-nurse in the war and had even then valued the patient confidentiality. He guessed stubbornness was a genetic trait of every nurse. So, in the end, he had indeed ended up talking to Minato, who had taken the position of hokage a couple of years ago when the third Shinobi World War had ended. And damn, was his sensei persistent in not giving out civilian's information without a good reason. Normally, the time traveller would have encouraged his senseis' persistence but right now, he was playing with the thought of simply breaking into the office to get the address.

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