Chapter 7

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Not thinking about his next actions, Kakashi opened the guestroom door and walked in. His eyes locked on to Anko before he heard someone scream: "Pervert!" and his sight went black.

Groaning Kakashi opened his eyes again and noticed that he was on the floor and next to him was a pillow. His hand went to touch his hurting head and he looked incredulously at the purple haired girl.

"Holy shit, Anko! Did you just hit me with a pillow?! How much power did you use? You almost knocked me unconscious!", he shouted surprised. 

Meanwhile Anko sat on the bed, blushing like crazy and holding another pillow in front of her.

"You Baka! You're such a perv!, she screamed embarrassed. 

"I'm not a pervert!", defended Kakashi himself and held his hands up surrendering. 

'At least not any more...', he thought.

Anko's face turned an even darker red and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Get out!"

Kakashi hastily got up and scrambled out of the room, quickly shutting the door behind him.  Just in time because not a second later something hard hit said door. Sakumo stood in front of his irritated son and laughed loudly. 

"Hahaha! Oh Kakashi, what did you do to the girl?" 

Kakashi looked at his father clueless.

"I just walked in..."

Sakumo laughed even harder and patted his sons head before walking back into the kitchen murmuring something unintelligible to himself. 

When the time traveller realised what he had said, he blushed intensely and could even rival Kushinas hair.

'Oh Kami, I'm so stupid! How could I forget to knock?'

Although Kakashi was already thirty or something, he never did have a lot of contact with females. Of course he had a bit of contact to girls, for example Sakura or Kurenai but none of them had ever stayed over at his house. And what was that Sakura always tried to teach Naruto? Something along the lines of never enter a girls room without knocking? He could faintly remember a couple of beatings that Naruto received because he stormed into Sakura's room uninvited. A small, sad smile graced his face before it went away as quickly as it came. 

After Kakashi got his blushing under control, he knocked timidly at the door and asked hesitantly, "Anko? Can I come in?"

The door opened slowly and Anko stood in the door frame. She averted her gaze embarrassed, unable to look at the face of the boy. 

"I'm sorry. I should have knocked." apologised Kakashi quickly.

"I-It's fine. I'm sorry that I hit you. Does your head still hurt?"

Anko looked at him worriedly. She felt slightly,  no scratch that, immensely insecure. After all, she really wanted to be Kakashis friend and now she had hurt him! Kakashi smiled at her reassuringly. 

"Don't worry about it. It was my fault after all. Anyway, did you sleep okay? I'm sorry but I didn't want to wake you and neither did I know where you lived." 

"Oh." Anko looked at him astounded. "Thank you for letting me stay, I hope I didn't bother you or your dad." she mumbled shyly. 

"You're not a bother, Anko. I just hope your parents won't be too angry or worried." said Kakashi quickly. He had honestly no idea who Anko's parents were. The thought had just crossed his mind.

Anko's eyes widened in shock and she shouted: "Oh Kami! Grandma is going to kill me! I should really go. Thank you for letting me stay, Kakashi-kun. I hope we can hang out again sometime."

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