Chapter 8

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Coincidentally a group of young Genins walked pass Training ground 3 and were witnesses of Kakashis brutal training. 

"Hey Asuma, isn't that Bakashi?", asked Obito surprised. He had never seen his silver haired teammate train so vigorously. Actually, he had always thought the silver haired boy didn't train at all. Seeing Kakashi throwing himself into his training made him wonder if he knew him at all. 

Puzzled, Asuma watched Kakashis every move. He wasn't an idiot and knew that this routine was far too advanced for a genin, even if that genin was a prodigy like Kakashi.

"Oh kami, he's going to exhaust and injure himself if he continues.", said Rin worriedly. 

"She's right. Boys, you have to stop him.", agreed Kurenai and looked expectantly at the three boys. 

"His flames of youth burn so bright! But the girls are right, we have to stop him before his youthful flames burn him."

Guy fist bumped into the air excitedly which caused Obito to groan. 

"Okay,lets go.", said Asuma and grabbed the two boys and dragged them after him.

"Kakashi?", asked Asuma whilst trying to hide his insecurity. 


 A huge tree was brutally ripped out and thrown across the training ground. The Genins stared at their friend with their mouths wide open.


Kakashi had known that his friends have been watching him but he couldn't stop fighting. Now that he had released some of his anxiety and fear, he forced a smile on his face again. He didn't want to worry his friends. They didn't deserve to be treated coldly like he had done in the past. Asuma, Kurenai, Guy, Rin and Obito had done everything for him. These five genins deserved to have a good friend and if it meant for him to hide behind a mask, he was willing to pay the price. 

"Hi Guys, how are you?", asked Kakashi smiling.

His friends stared irritated at him. Rin finally opened her mouth and asked frantically: "Are you hurt, Kakashi-kun? It looked like you were training pretty hard!"

She looked worriedly at her teammate but Kakashi waved off her worries easily.

"Nah, I'm fine. But what are you guys doing here?"

"Bakashi, that fight was crazy!", shouted Obito with stars shining in his eyes and totally ignoring his friends' question. Kakashi forced himself to chuckle slightly.

"Thanks Obito."

"Your flames of youth were burning so bright, my eternal rival!", exclaimed Guy excited and did his 'Guy pose'. 

"So, were did you learn this style?", asked Kurenai curiously.

"Yeah, it looked very advanced.", added Asuma thoughtfully. 

"I invented it myself.", answered Kakashi proudly. Or at least he pretended to be proud. His thoughts drifted away to the people that had influenced his taijutsu style.

"You did what?!", asked Obito and Asuma astound. 

"Oh that reminds me. I have something for all of you.", Kakashi tried to be as nonchalant as possible when he took out one of the storage scrolls he had made the night before. Sure, it was a bit risky to carry all of the information with him but as long as he didn't has a safe place for them, his room wasn't an option, they were safest with him. While hidden on his body he could protect them the best. His friends exchanged confused looks as he showed them the storage scroll and he quickly bit his finger to smear a bit of his blood over it. Out came six folders all stuffed with papers.

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