Chapter 22

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Hi guys, so this is gonna be a short chapter because I've been in Vienna for the last couple of days and didn't have much time to write but I don't want to let you wait any longer.
Stella x


As soon as Orochimaru, Anko and Genma had left the room Kushina had launched herself at Kakashi and engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh I'm so sorry Kakashi! Your father was a great man. I'm so sorry for your loss, you must feel so alone! You poor boy!"

The time traveler surpressed the urge to jump far, far away from the red-haired woman and her smothering.

He knew Kushina meant well, but it felt just so wrong. He didn't want her or anyone else's pity, not when he didn't deserve it. Why didn't they see that it was his fault that Sakumo died? Why couldn't they blame him? It would be so much easier.

Minato noticed the discomfort of his silver-haired student and pulled gently but determined his wife from the boy.

"Let the boy breathe, Kushina."

With Kushina in his arms the blonde was unable to stop his female student from clinging to Kakashi and literally drowning him in affection.

"I missed you so much! And I'm so sorry for your loss! If you ever want to talk about it I'm here for you! I swear I'll always be by your side no matter what happens!" the brunette sobbed and clang to him as if her life depended on it.

Unconsciously, Rin's clinging behaviour had reminded Kakashi of the many assassination attempts on him and his body stiffened in response.

"I'm fine. Let go, Rin," Kakashi hissed through gritted teeth.

The touch was uncomfortable on his body and he wanted to get away from it.

Since he had awoken every physical contact had caused shivers and the desire to get away. All but one but he tried not to think about it too much.

Reluctantly, Rin let go of her teammate. She grimaced and a dark look crossed her face when she remembered how the crazy purple-haired girl had her hand on Kakashi's arm and he hadn't said something to her.

"Don't worry Kakashi-kun," she said sweetly. "I know it's just the shock but I promise I'll look after you. I'll make sure that you get the rest you deserve and I'll even talk to Hokage-sama to make sure you won't have to return to the war...."

Her soft voice and pitying look made Kakashi feel like throwing up. Why did everyone think they had to pamper him?

"Rin," Obito, who had watched the whole ordeal silently, hesitantly pulled his brunette teammate away.

It hurt him to see his crush gushing after the silver haired boy.

Furthermore it irritated him that he couldn't even be angry with Kakashi because it wasn't his fault in the first place.

"What do you want, Obito?" Rin asked, annoyed.

Recoiling from the underlying venom in her voice the Uchiha let quickly go of her hand.

"Sorry," he murmured.

Minato had watched the whole exchange disapprovingly and decided to intervene now.

"That's enough you two. We're here for Kakashi, you can take any disagreement out later."

The two genin looked down ashamed, well at least Obito did. Rin instead threw a last nasty look at her ravenette teammate before turning her attention back to Kakashi.

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