J I M I N 'S H E I G H T

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"Mr.Park, could you get me the book in the teachers' office please."
One of the teachers which Park Jimin disliked the most called.

Nonetheless, he obeyed and walked out of the classroom without bothering to look up at the teacher as he felt all eyes on him.

"Poor Chim."
He heard two voices mutter so softly that he barely heard before the door shut behind him.

Upon reaching the teachers' office, Jimin walked straight in with a quiet 'hello' which was answered by the majority of the teachers. Most of them were likely too busy doing work to hear him or just ignoring him. He walked quietly and came face to face with a teacher whom he prayed he'd never meet.

"What do you want tiny Jiminie?"
He said in a mocking way.

"J-just the book on the..." He tailed off as he gazed at the top shelf that he could barely reach and let out a sigh.

He was being teased again.

"... top shelf."

"What was that? I can't hear you!" Park Bogum sneered as he cupped his hands around his ears as if he didn't hear poor Jimin talk.

"The book on the top shelf!" Snapped the boy trying his best to keep his anger contented.

"Oh, there's no need to be rude. Unfortunately, I'm to available at the moment. So you better go and get those before Mr.Choi scold you for being late."

The teacher walked away leaving a furious Jimin behind as he looked for a free stool.

Why am I noticed? Isn't Yoongi hyung shorter than me? Why doesn't anyone talk about his height?

Jimin thought as he walked back into the classroom with a thick book in his hands.

As soon as he entered, he noticed his friends Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung looking at him pitifully as the rest of the class mocked him.

After giving the teacher his book, the boy went straight to his place and smiled at his friends on the other side of the class.

Jimin had to sit between Soobin and Jackson.

"Told ya to drink the milk." Smirked Jackson as the teen pouted.

"Forget it, he won't listen anyway..." Muttered Soobin as he sketched on his notepad.

I'm not that short, am I?

Thought the boy looking at his friends on the other side as they both joked.


A/N: Are you enjoying the book so far? Sorry this chapter is a bit short. Please comment and vote! ^^

~かずこ~ 。

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