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Hyung line special^^

Seokjin, Hoseok,Yoongi and Namjoon were busy preparing the place for "three little devils" as they call to return from school to spend the weekend with them.

Maybe everyone was busy but Yoongi mostly slept and did the least jobs.

"Sprite, Kimchi, Banana Milk, Ramen, Chicken, Chips, Water. Hoseok go do shopping." Namjoon waved a list infront of his face before ranting an order on another one.

"Jin hyung, clean the guestroom, living room and kitchen and Yoongi hyung..." He turned to see the mint haired boy sleeping on a bean bag.

"YOONGI HYUNG!!" He yelled in the teen's ear making him jump.


"I want you to set up the living room, choose a movie to watch and set up the bedroom with the spare sleeping bags, blankets and plushies. Oh and make sure you keep it maknae-friendly!" Said Namjoon in one breath as the mint haired teen snorted.

"I can't believe we're doing this!" He exclaimed.


"Then why didn't we get one when we finished ours?" Yoongi said getting up from his resting spot.

"Because we went on a trip together afterwards. Now go do it and you do know what to means by maknae-proof don't you?" Asked Namjoon.

"Everything should look cute, hurt-free bla bla bla..." He said walking upstairs to set the room.

Later that day, everything was set and thanks to Yoongi, both the bedroom and living room looked cute with plushies, cushions, bean bags and blankets waiting for the trio.

Hoseok had all the snacks and drinks ready.

"I'm glad this isn't my house! Good thing your parents are away, they'd think we're bringing some ten-year-olds over!" Seokjin smiled at his best friend Namjoon.

"They'll never grow up!" Sighed Namjoon pressing his temples. "Taehyung is fine, but the other two just needs to grow up."

"I like Taehyung when he acts like a baby and I don't think Chim would look too friendly if he-"

"Ah! Don't get me started on that! Last time I told him to be manly, he pulled out a face and blew a raspberry. After he came back from his room he didn't even smile and he called his Eomma by her name!" Said Namjoon laughing.

"I asked him why and he simply scoffed and said: Namjoon, I'm grown up and you know what? You got no jams."

"I know... even Kookie is another issue. He once pulled out a tantrum at the park and I told him to behave, he simply looked at me with his irresistible round doe eyes." Seokjin said acting all dramatic.

"After I bought him banana milk, some passers-by laughed at him and he looked at him coldly and said: Next time you decide to mock me, make sure you're ready because you're too damn old and way too mature to look at me like that!"

The two were laughing of how silly the maknae line could be and almost forgot to open the door.

Three voices kept talking nonstop about how their sleep was interrupted, how they missed their favourite show and how their warm showers where cut off.

"What's the very big idea? Hyung, just because you're done with your exams earlier doesn't mean that you could disturb us!" Snapped Taehyung.

"Wow, you've grown up!" Seokjin smiled at the brunette who pouted.

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