B E S T F R I E N D S N E V E R F I G H T ?

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Maknae line special~

With an ear-splitting scream, a ginger haired teen shot up from his bed in a cold sweat shivering ever so slightly. His heart beating fast as his mind raced.

Next thing he knew, he was being shook vigorously.

"Jimin-ah! Snap out of it!" Taehyung's voice rang in his head as he slowly turn to face his friend.

"T-taehyung?" Trembling words came out of his mouth.

"Ah! You're alright! Goodness, if Kookie wakes up, he's going to act all-" The brunette was surprised by a sudden hug from his terrified friend.

"Jimin-ah, why are you acting like a five-year-old?" Taehyung yawned as he hugged back calming his friend down.

Jimin clutched his head and squinted his eyes shut trembling in fear.

"D-don't leave me... please."

A slender finger was placed on the boy's lips making him halt. Taehyung smiled at his friend as comfortingly as he could.

Though the brunette was disappointed since his sleep was interrupted, he wanted to comfort his friend and to hit the hay before the hyungs come barging in.

"It was a dream, I also had a dream where I use to have wings but they were cut off leaving huge scars on my back." Laughed the boy as he smiled sheepishly.

"This one is different Taehyung! Namjoon hyung drinks acid and his in-ternal organs start to burn and the fumes and smoke came out of his mouth!"

Despite Jimin's fright, Taehyung tried his best not to laugh at the hilarious story.

"Then, poor Kookie! He was hanging upside-down from the ceiling, lying upside down in another room full of toxic gas! Just think of all the blood that'll go to his head!"

Taehyung snorted silently at the silliness.

"Namjoon hyung comes and gives him poison killing him! Oh please! Kookie don't die!"

The said Kookie was already awake and was laughing his head off, but once Jimin talked about him, he felt an uneasiness creeping into him.

"Jin hyung... he had a fight with you and then he kissed this eerie statue which started to creak and bleed out green and red blood! Then he started to crack as well! Even Hobi hyung shot arrows at you! He was a devil!"

At this, the brunette nearly burst out laughing. He found the whole situation rather stupid and not at all scary though he felt grossed.

But one thing was rather unusual, how come he saw the happy Hoseok as a devil?

"Jiminie, you watched too much Naruto. I told you mustn't watch the part where Obito turns into ashes too much... look what happened." Sighed the brunette wanting to cheer up the teen but failing.

The rambling boy wasn't listening. He was too busy telling his story.

"T-then Yoongi hyung, he covered my eyes and took me into a room... and then blindfolded me and tied one end to a door and left me there to die! Yoongi hyung trapped himself in a room full of toxic gas afterwards!"

Jimin felt tears in the corner of his eyes.

"You were in the balcony, but you jumped after smiling at me without hel-ping me!" Poor boy's voice creaked as he replayed the horrible nightmare in his head.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook felt uncomfortable. They've never seen Jimin so vulnerable before.

Wow... he sounds even weaker and helpless than when he's bullied by Jackson! Jungkook thought feeling bad for his hyung.

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