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"Here it goes!" Yelled Jungkook as he stormed out of his house, with an evil smirk on his face.

He went over to his best friend's place and rang the doorbell like a crazy idiot. His finger didn't leave the switch until the door opened to reveal Mrs Kim with a startled expression.

Immediately the teen blushed in crimson red realising his mistake.

"M-m-mianhae..." He stuttered as he bowed in respect.

"Who was that?! I was trying to sleep ya know! I swear whoever it was would-" Taehyung appeared behind his mother and stopped in mid-sentence as he saw his friend.

"Jungkookie?! It was you?!" He asked surprised.


"Why don't you take him inside? You both can chat in your room Tae..." His mother interrupted the awkward silence as Jungkook sighed relieved.

"What was that Kookie?! You could've waited for it to open, for what-" Taehyung looked at the teen who was crouching beside his puppy talking to it as if he was invisible.

"Tannie, do you love Kookie? You should call me Kookie Oppa, so that Oppa can bring you lots and lots of treats, bones and toys! Taetae is a bad boy for not letting you visit Miri! Kookie know that-" Something soft hit him square on the back.

"Hey! What's the very big idea alien?!" Yelled the boy pouting.

"You're talking to Tannie as if he's a human, bunny!" Sighed the brunette.

"I'm sure he understands, I know you won't!" Pouted Jungkook only to get a light smack in return.

"Human abuse! Oh no! Jeon Jungkook is being attacked by a scary alien, Taetae! Red alert! Red alert!" Screamed the boy on top of his lungs.

"Kookie, you'll never grow up... won't you?" Grinned the brunette at his best friend.

"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard in my whole entire life! Can't you see that I'm actually two centimeters taller than Jiminie-Pabo?"

"Nope and Pabo is what I call him, Kookie!"

"But Kookie can call him that too ya know!"

"Nope! Pabo is my word!!"

"Fine! Kookie is very good that Kookie will call Jimin 'Chimmy hyung'. How hurt will he be when he knows that you call him Pabo?" Demanded the boy determinedly.

"Didn't you start it?

"I'm sure he won't mind. I'm his bestest friend!" Smirked the boy.

"Not me?" Taehyung fake cried alarming Jungkook.

"No no no no! You are my best friend and I'm his best friend! Kim Taehyung  please stop crying!!!" Screamed the boy while shaking his friend worriedly.

"Gotcha!" Smirked the brunette.

"You are so mean!" The teen waved his hands in the air.

"You are worse! You woke me up for no reason!"

"No I DID NOT! You woke up  by yourself."

"You were ringing the doorbell like crazy!"

"I never rang it to wake you up! Fine! Kookie is going to see Chimchim hyungie! He'll understand." Jungkook got up to leave.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"I.. I...I'm dying Tae hyungie!! I forgot to tell you that I actually have a severe case of cancer and I only have about three to five months left. So I'm-" He was Interrupted by a hug along with sobs.

"K-k kookie! Wh-why didn't y-y-you tell me?!! I'm so sorry for being so mean and rude to you!"

"Ah! It's coming... that headache! Argh!" Jungkook clutched his head and fell onto the carpet groaning.

"J-J-Jungkookie! Why? Why do you keep such things hidden?" Cried the poor brunette.

"Everyone knows... but not you... I didn't want you to worry..." Muttered the boy looking sadly at his crying friend.

"Even Yoongi hyung?!"


"Jungkookie... what do you want me to do for you? I'll do anything!" Taehyung rubbed his puffy eyes and stood up.

"Taetae, thank you, for everything... I'm happy to spend the last hours of my life with such a good friend, but....." Jungkook inhaled and made a pained face.


"HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!" Yelled the the boy and exited the room, the house to be exact.


*At the next door*

"Mummy, who is that, screaming?" A little boy shuddered as he covered his ears.

"I don't know, some scary alien maybe... since you aren't eating your broccoli."



A/N: Heiii! Sorry for the late update. I was so busy with school and life. So I made it up with a longer chapter! ^^

Hope you enjoyed! Please do comment! It motivates me to write more~ Thank youuuu! 😄😄😄

。~かずこ~  。

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