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Kim Taehyung slumped onto his couch as he threw his bag across his room.

He let out a long sigh as he let all his stress out.

It was the last day, but he had no energy to text his best friend Jeon Jungkook to come over. All he wanted was a nice shower.

Just as he was about to unbotton his shirt, a yelp came from his wardrobe followed by a whimper.

"Yeontan!" He screamed opening the door to see his beloved puppy tangled in one of his favourite scarves.

"What did Taetae told Tannie about sleeping inside his clothes hm?" He scolded the pup who looked at his obistain eyes innocently.

"Aww... but you are too cute!" Taehyung cooed as he cuddled the puppy.

After a while, Taehyung sat at the living room watching a movie until the doorbell rang.  

He walked thinking whether his Mum told him about having any visitors.

Oh, he almost forgot he invited them!

"Taehyungie~!" Squealed two voices as they jumped on to him making him fall in the process.

Next thing he knew, he was being towered with all sorts of questions.

"You didn't text me today!"

"Neither to me!"

"Oh my gosh! Tannie you've grown a lot! Taetae, what did you feed him?!"

"My brother said you want us over for a sleepover, was that true?!"

"Are we really sleeping here?! I even brought my bag!"

"Can we watch a movie?!"

"And play Overwatch?!"

"And have a pillow fight?!"

'And have a midnight feast?!'


Taehyung yelled making his friends shut up.

After looking at their startled faces, he laughed and enveloped them in a hug.

Sometimes, he felt like he was the eldest among him, Jungkook and Jimin, especially since he stood tall among them both though Jungkook was a mere inch shorter than him.

They walked into the living room and started chatting away.

If there was anything he wanted to free himself from all the school stress, it was his friends; especially Jungkook. (A/N: His future bf~😍😍😍😍 Okay imma stop 😅)

Later that night, the trio sat on the couch laughing their heads off after watching a comedy.

Three boys dressed in pyjamas and Jungkook with a fluffy bunny plushie while Taehyung cuddled his puppy leaving Jimin with a dog plushie.

"Chimchim, why do you still have your puppy with you?" Asked Jungkook as he eyed his hyung with an evil glint in his eyes which was of course noticed by his best friend.

"You should answer that question, you also have a bunny. Hmm?" Snickered the teen, but ofcourse, Jeon Jungkook had an answer for everything.

"I'm the youngest and my bunny wouldn't like to stay all alone in my room when Hyung is around. Who knows what he'll do." Answered the boy and hugged the stuffed toy like it's life depended on him.

All those sarcasm was just to smart out the eldest one, after all this is the Jeon Jungkook, and he gets his way.

But Jimin on the other hand didn't want to loose onto him again.

Who knows what the boy would make him do if he did.

"And I'm the secon- I-I-I mean the third youngest... so-so... I don't wanna leave my puppy to cry. Chimchim loves animals!"

"And Kookie loves bunnies too! So Kookie can do what Kookie want okay?"




Jungkook let out a big dramatic gasp, widening his eyes till they pop out of their sockets, and covered his mouth with both hands.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Taetae! Did you hear what he said?! He said the 'p' word!"

Acting along, Taehyung said.

"Oh my goodness! Chimchim is a bad boy! What should Taetae do?"

"He should go to Mars and meet his friend Tata since Taetae is an alien and aliens don't live on Earth!" Smirked Jungkook.

"EVIL MAKNAE!" Screamed both his hyungs.

There meaningless arguments continued until the youngest yawned indicating that it was bedtime.

They went upstairs to the bedroom and snuggled together on Taehyung's bed with Jimin on his left and Jungkook on his right.

"I actually won, I have a living animal and not a dead one to cuddle."


That was what he heard before all three boys dozed off, snoring softly, all cuddled up with quilts and plushies with a fluffy sleeping puppy on top.


A/N: I'll try to make longer chapters later on~ Hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment! ^^

Also, thank you very much @BabyBoi_Tae for the book cover! I love it so muchh!! ♡

And thank you very much @Lazy_Scare_Crow_06 for doing my corrections and for the support you give meh~ I love you sissy~ 😜

Please go check their books if u r an Anime freak~ Thank youuuu!! 😚😚😚

。~かずこ~ 。

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