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The sun baked his shirtless torso as Min Yoongi lied on the beach breathing in the salty sea air.

Sadly, as usual, his peaceful sleep was disturbed by a squeal coming from his bestfriend Park Jimin.

It was always like that; he tries to sleep and someone is bound to wake him up or disturb him.

"Hyungie! Look what I have!!" Jimin hopped over to the frustrated mint haired boy with something in his small hands. "Look how adorable it is! Aigoo~"

"Hmm?" Suga sat up looking at the ginger haired teen who looked so innocent with his scandals and shorts along with a matching shirt holding something in his hands, completely unaware that he disturbed the boy's sleep.

"It's a tiny hermit crab with nowhere to go!" He said holding the poor tiny crustacean with its shell.

"Put it back! You know how much Jin hyung hates things like that." Said the teen quickly, not liking the idea of having hermit crabs crawling everywhere he sleep.

"But... I have a whole bottle full of her family!"
Pouted the ginger head showing a green bottle full of shells with crabs inside, desperately trying to escape.

"Jimin, their Eomma will be looking for them. She won't be happy to see her kids gone when she returns with their lunch." Said the teen begging for the other to set them free inwardly.

As of on cue, a bigger hermit popped it's head from a hole which the ginger head noticed and immediately hid the bottle behind him.

"See? Now let them go before she sees that bottle."



"I said no!"

"Jimin, you're not a baby!"

"Whatever! I'm taking them whether you like it or not!" Said the boy indignantly.

"Put. Them. Back. Please!"

"Not in a million years!"

"Fine! I'll tell Jungkook and Taehyung about your phobia for-"

"NOOOOOOOOOOO! You're so mean!" Jimin stomped on the sandy ground angrily.

"Chimchim?" A familiar voice called him from behind.

"Taetae! Yoongi hyung is bullying me real bad!" Whined the boy crying anime tears.

"Hyung! You can't bully poor Chimmy!" Glared the boy while holding the ginger haired boy on the shoulder.

"What makes you older than him?"

"My height." Smirked the teen.

He suddenly took a green bottle full of the hermit crabs which Jimin dropped while  throwing a fit.

"Poor things... it must be awful to be trapped near a shouting ice-cream. Let's get you home."

With that he set the creatures free while Jimin watched in horror.

"MY FRIENDS!!" Screamed Jimin as he pounced on to the other teen both falling down in the process.





"How would you feel if you were trapped in a bottle, baby tiny tiny little shortie?"

Shut up! Respect your hyung! You're a meanie!.... No! A zombie!

"Nope! I'm an alien!" Smirked Tae.
"Having fun with out Kookie?! Some friends!" A new voice screamed making poor Yoongi shudder.


The two surprised boys stood up, covered in sand, their hair all messed up.

"Tsk, Tsk, look how bad Jin hyung is... now I have to take care of babies."

With that, Jungkook pushed the two into the water with a proud face getting yells in return.

Watching with amusement, Yoongi fell asleep only to be woken up by an angry Seokjin.

"What are you doing?!" He snapped.

"What?" Suga snapped back.

"They are swimming in their only dry clothes!"

"Not my fault. It's better than collecting a dozen of Hermans to kill." Sighed the teen closing his eyes.

Soon after, Yoongi fell into a deep slumber but it lasted for an hour. He woke up with a shiver and surprised as he felt a bucket of cold seawater being poured on him.

Poor Yoongi yelled at the three rascals giggling and laughing at the beach.



You all know who said that~


A/N: Hiiii! Hope you are enjoying. Please do comment~

If u didn't notice yet, I'm actually making a chapter for each member, n this one is suppose to be Yoongi's one, bit I feel like this doesn't have much about him...

Anyways, stay tuned~ Bye byeee! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

。~ かずこ~ 。

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