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"Hyungie! I want Banana Milk!

"Hyung! Can we take Tannie out for a walk?

"Hyungie, can you give me a boost? I want to take that book up there."

Three boys kept calling Kim Seokjin.

Jin, who was spending the day with the three couldn't get himself to say no to the three cute faces no matter how much they bothered him.

A Mochi with squishy cheeks, a bunny with those irresistible doe eyes that you could get lost into and an innocent alien with that uncaring box smile.

At least it was what Jin thought.

"Kookie-ah! We can buy it when we take Tannie for a walk." Jin said as he lifted the short boy as he grabbed the book.

Soon, they were walking in the park with an excited puppy leading them.

Jimin and Jungkook kept singing random things while Taehyung picked flowers to make a tiara for his pup.

The eldest simply watched with a bag of snacks in his hands.

He can never get fed up with the three.

"Jimin-ah! Watch out!" Jin suddenly yelled as a biker nearly hit the teen who was frozen with fear.

"Mianhae! He was too short that I couldn't see him!" Yelled the biker while the rest aided their friend, enraged.

"You know that your bike is rather small for you giraffe!" Taehyung yelled loud enough for the boy to hear.

"Jiminie, are you okay?

"Oh I'm fine, thank you." He replied in a small voice dusting his clothes.

"Jin hyung, I have a very important question to ask you." Jungkook said as he and Taehyung slipped their arms around their upset friend.


"Isn't Yoongi shorter than Jiminie-hyung?" He asked making Jin laugh.

"Yes, he is."

"Then why does everyone tease him?"

Another runner passing by interrupted him.

"Because Jimin's height is freaking small and his legs are too tall!"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU SLUG!" Yelled Taehyung as he chased the teaser and caught him by the collar, and turned him around.

Seeing who ir was made Taehyung's blood boil. Oh Sehun, one of Jimin's bullies at school.

"Don't make fun of my chingu. He's not short but you are. So back off if you don't my dog to bite you." Snapped Taehyung as the boy snorted.

"That dog? He's pretty tiny- Oww!" He screamed in pain as the small furball bit his ankle making it bleed a little.

"I didn't do anything!" Taehyung ran away smiling and caught up with his friends with Yeontan in his arms.

"What did you do? What did you do?" Jungkook asked.

"I didn't do anything," A sly smile appeared on his face . "But Tannie bit him!"

"Oooh! Hear that Chimchim-hyungie? Tannie loves you!" Jungkook hopped over to the teen.

"He's the only one who loves me."

"That's a lie! I love you too!" Taehyung hugged him.

"No I love him more!" Demanded Jungkook shoving the boy's hands away and embracing Jimin.

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