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Hoseok walked through the empty corridors humming a tune happily. Just like how his friends say, you'll get to see a moody J-hope once in a blue moon.

He had everlasting energy and self confidence. Almost like magic.

The high-school boy was always jovial and happy.

But he too was sensitive at times.

At the Canteen, he met his friends and joined in for lunch. He took a seat between Taehyung and Jimin.

"J-hoooooooooope~" Jungkook called in the cutest way he could.

"Hmm, Jungkoooooooooooooooooookie?"

The rest laughed at the duo as he mimicked each other.

"We came up with some nicknames for us! Taehyung said excitedly.

"I thought we already have..."

"Ah! These are much better!" Smiled the brunette to get a kick from Jimin who pouted at him.

"Honestly, I think I know what you three do during English class now." Sighed Namjoon as he took a sip from his iced drink.

"No fun no fun... you no fun..." Frowned J-hope which sent the others laughing.

"Hey! Stob it!" Jin's comment sent Jimin rolling on the floor or rather the messy dirty ground where everyone spit and throw access food and trash.

"Okay! Soo! Can I start please?!" An impatient maknae whined.


"Namjoon can be RM because he's the best rapper in the school and he breaks everything he touches, like a monster! Jin hyung can be-"

Before the teen finished Jin piched in making everyone laugh again.

"Worldwide Handsome!"

"...Yoongi can be Suga because he's a pale as a sugar lump and you can be horsey Hobi .."

Jungkook glanced at the ginger haired teen before he continued and ended up laughing only to get a shy smile in return.

"Jiminie can be chimney!" Taehyung exclaimed giggling while Jimin covered his face with hands embarrassed.

"Ah! Stop it! I told you I don't like it Tae!" Jimin looked up looking hurt which Hoseok noticed and immediately stopped and told others to as well.

But the two maknaes continued on laughing until the eldest put a hand on their mouths.

"You're hurting Chimchim's feelings bunny biscuit and alien...V!'

Jin only worsened it and everyone couldn't contain their laughter and burst out, except for Yoongi who was fast asleep.

"H-how d-did y-you come up with that?!" Namjoon asked begging for air.

"Well, Kookie can be biscuit and he ofcourse represents a cute bunny."

Everyone 'awww'ed as the youngest turned into a crimson red.

"Taehyung has a 'V' jawline and looks like and alien." Stated the eldest in a 'matter of fact' tone.

The brunette laughed.

"Lets make another nickname for Chimchim!" Jumped Hoseok lighting up the moody boy.

"How about muscle mochi?" A sleepy voice asked making everyone jump.

"You are awake?" Hoseok asked as his smile returned.

"Hmm... I think muscle mochi suits him perfectly." Yawned the mint haired boy sleepily while Jimin blushed.

"But chimney suits more and I came up with that!" Whined Taehyung while Jungkook tried to hide his laughter.

"Chimney is what Jackson calls me to tease me and I don't like it."

"Mianhae Muscle Mochi... Ma Mistakeu~" Hoseok bowed as everyone laughed again.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

The seven boys laughed and joked the whole day until lunch break was over.

Hoseok returned to his math class in which Jungkook was joining him. Both of them kept giggling until the teacher sent them out of the classroom.

They both started laughing out loud enough for the next class to hear.

"We-we-we got to tell the others about this!" Panted Hoseok as he held the wall for support.

A sprite bottle hit the boy on the shoulder, Hoseok looked around and saw a teacher with a furious face.

"Shut your mouths!" He snarled only to make them laugh again.

"Muscle mochi... in a chimney..."

"Jungkook! Please let me breath!"

"Jin and Jim-in a beautiful garden, drank tae with suga. They each.... t-took a kookie. Suddenly, a monster... riding a horse frightened them making them scr-eam!" Jungkook said as he bursted into a fit of laughter after saying it.

"We-we-we should tell them!" Hoseok panted picking himself up.


~few minutes later~ *add spongebob voice*

"Your fault Hobi!" Growled Jungkook while rubbing bubblegum from the principle's car tyre.

"WHAT?? How was it my fault?!! You were the one who made- AH!!"

Something cold hit his head soaking him completely.

Surprised, and angry, both boys looked up to see the Worldwide Handsome face grinning at them.

"Keep on rubbing! It's both your fault~" Seokjin said in a singsong voice.

"Imma kill that frog-faced damned geezer!" Snarled the maknae shredding the sponge into pieces.

"NO SWEARING JEON JUNGKOOK! AND I'M NOT OLD YOU KNOW!" A voice rang in scaring the birds resting on the tree nearby.


A/N: Hi guyzz! Sorry for the wait! I was super busy with life and School. Life rlly sux!(*≧m≦*) Hope you enjoyed~ Please vote and comment. Thank youu! (◠‿◠✿)

。~ かずこ~ 。

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