Will you be my....

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So when we went out to lunch recess and I finished my lunch, I was about to go and play with my girls. Instead of me fulfilling that action, James called over and asked if it was ok to talk to me in private. My girls reaction was "Jasmin: "Good Luck"; Christina: "Have fun (*wink,wink*)"; Rex: "Tell me later." My response to Jasmin was "thank you", to Christina was "mhmm", and to Rex was "okay". As they walked away, I said to James "okay" because I'm a nice person even though I hate him and I really didn't feel like it. You wouldn't believe what the rest of the girls were doing and saying to me, they said "Ooh, Megan has a boyfriend!!" and the boys response was" James, Kiss her!" I was so embarrassed. So he whispered and said to me "Talk to you in ASC?" (after school care ) I said "Sure" and blussed. I don't know why but I blussed.

When I got back to the table they were asking me what he said. I told them he was asking me to the answer of a math question. But obviously my best friend Rex didn't believe that. So when all the girls left and it was only me and her, she was on to me. "Ok, what did he really say?" said Rex. "What do you mean?" pretending like nothing happened. "What did James say?" "He said he wanted to talk to me after school."

She said,"Ok". Thank God that conversation ended or I would have exploded with perdictions. Even when the conversation was over she wanted me to tell her everything that happens later on. So anyways, when James and I went to after school care he stopped me from going inside and said"Will you be my girlfriend?" I was quiet creapied out but poor me said "Yes". Thats how we started dating.

The next day, I told Rex what happened and she as surprized and not quiet satisfied with what I did but she said if I had any more information to come and tell her, which I always do. Now, you must be wondering how did we break up. Well, ladies and I'm sorry gentle men, allow me to tell you what happened. James and I were walking in a park while our parents were taking care of our little siblings he took me for a walk at park. We feed the ducks and watched the sunset and we had our first kiss. I know your wondering what does this have to do with us breaking up.

Well, hold your horses I'm getting there! After our kiss he said he had to use the restroom and I said "Ok." Now get ready for this, so he left his phone there and I told myself I will not be like the other girls and search through his phone. But obviously I had too. I couldn't help myself and I saw him in pictures with other girls and a text message stating that he is going on a date with another girl at the same place as we were, right now, tomorrow. I was furious but luckily I put the phone down before he even noticed.

Then when it was time to leave we kissed goodbye and went our separate ways. I told myself that I would come to the park at the same time and check the girl out. I did. He did the exact same thing as we did yesterday. I told him straight up that I am not his girlfriend. James came chasing after me and began explaining himself even though I could care less, except for one part. He said he only had another girl because he thought he would lose me. I told him that he just did.

I tried to fight it but tears started coming out of my eyes and I informed him that I gave him my heart but he just broke it. So, I told him I'm sorry but I just can't. I gave him one last kiss and left never to see him again. I miss him though, we had such great times together and he had to ruin that for us. Even now I get many emails from him saying that he is sorry. I forgive him but I notified to him that I'm not a shirt with no logo or not the right size that you then return to where ever or thrown away when ruined.

I just broke the news to him that we are friends. He accepted that. After that relationship I went on another date with this guy named Jimmy but I'm not even going to go there. He was just out of my lead. He was nasty! Jk,jk.

What do you think? As you keep reading, this book is full of all my darkest secret. Just keep that in mind.
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I can't wait for the next chapter!

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