Chapter 2

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As I awoke the thoughts from my sleep rushed back to me again and I remembered who I had to talk to. I carefully thought for a minute what I was going to say only to realise that he didnt know I had heard what they said.

I had to just talk to him as if I didn't know.

I cleared my throat. Be cool, be cool. "Ummm, hey?" I approached.

"Whatever, go away wierdo!" He replied. Maybe it wasn't best to talk to him after all. My instinct was to give it another try.

"Cool headphones, what music do you like? Trying to sound cool.

"Pop, rock, blues, motown, jazz," He listed. "Everything but classical." He added.

"Me too." I lied but it was probably best to lie anyway. I guess he wasn't that bad.

Infact, I think i quite like him.







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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2012 ⏰

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