Interview: Lily (District 7)

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Taking a calming breath, I walk onto the stage, flashing a smile towards the audience and give a slight wave. "So," Brielle starts off with a curious gleam in his eyes, "how are you today?"

"I'm alive so I'm good," I respond with a cheeky grin, listening to the audience's chuckle.

"Speaking of being alive, what do you think your chances are in the games?" Brielle asks after the laughter had died down.

"Hm," I lean back comfortably, putting on a facade that I was completely comfortable with my environment, "My chances? That'll be the same chance I have for reciting the Dictionary of Poisonous Plants in alphabetical order."

"And what are the chances of that?" he asks curiously.

I paste a confident smile on my face before turning towards the audience. Letting out a slight, somewhat mysterious chuckle, I answer, "I've only messed up once."

"Oh really? And why was that?" He asks curiously.

I pause, suddenly feeling the anxiety of the situation get to me. Internally trying to calm myself, I reply, "Everyone always has that someone they get nervous around."

There's a silent pause before Brielle asks one final question. "Who is that someone?"

Gaining control of my emotions, I regained back my smile and laughed lightly. Then with a mysterious tone, I reply, "Oh, you already met him."

A shocked silence falls over the crowd before Brielle clears his voice and stands up; I do the same. He grabs my arm into the air and shouts, "And that was Lilly from District 7!"

There ya go :D LOL thanks so much by the way(: and sorry about that(:

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