Finals: Darrin

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I looked behind me to see the candyland, the candyland everyone had thought marvelous, turn into something twisted and horrible.

The tree sized lollipops grew limbs and opened their eyes that shone glowing red to illuminate their distorted face. The spree-like stepping stones had revealed their flaw, deadly poisonous gas. Several had found out the hard way. My only hope was to keep running, as I knew the forest would eventually swallow the other tributes. I quickened my pace, hoping whatever other monster-esk creatures would find their way to my fellow tributes, I pulled out Aria's Sword just in case, they would be no match for cool metal.

Throughout all this frenzy I come to the realization, I may very well get to go home. This pushes me further and further away from the twisted paradise. I hear sevral loud cannons and have to sit down. I think I just survived the Writer Games. I sent a prayer back for home. This could be good, incredible for the people around me. I didn't know what to think, so I just sat there 'til I was summoned. Home, I'm going home...

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