Interview: Ave (District 9)

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Who am I? I can be your  darkest nightmare and you'll never know, you'll never notice me because I  know how to hide, you can't catch me because I'm too fast and you can't  say no because I know how to make you say yes. Being chosen wasn't  something I asked for but I am here now and I'm ready to kick some butt.  You can't outsmart me I'm as smart as it gets! Why should you pick some  scrawny girl from district nine? Because I'm powerful!!! You often  underestimate people and I guess I'm one of them but don't forget you  haven't seen anything yet. I'm ready because no matter how scary it gets  I have bravery and I'll face whatever you put in front of me.  In truth  to it all we could all win and die and here I am plastering a smile and  telling you how good I am, but you won't know until I'm put in that  arena and then we'll see if I'm that lucky winner that gets to go home.  Thanks and good-bye!

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