Interview: Alianna (District 1)

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I watched as Derek came  off the stage from his interview, he'd done so well and I was extremely  proud of him. Now it was my turn, and I oddly enough didn't feel nervous  at all. Probably because I knew everybody would be captivated by my  pretty dress. I guess, if I won, I already had a talent that I could  pursue, designing. I looked down at my dress, the most beautiful thing  I'd ever made. It was a geisha style dress, like they had in Japan, to  show my ability in martial arts, and it was incrusted with rubies,  saphires, and emeralds, to add a luxurious aspect. Derek's was to  represent that he was so innocent and just purely good. He'd never harm a  human being, which is why I had to be extremely violent.

As I got onstage, I knew  exactly what Brielle was going to ask me about. "So, quite a stunt you  pulled at the reaping, recognizing the piece of paper you wrote your  name on even before your escort read it. How did you do that?"

"Well, you see," I  replied. "On top of all my martial arts skills, I also have a  photographic memory, so I know perfectly where to go and how to get  there, and it will be the same thing in the arena, I would never be able  to get lost even if I tried. And also, I heard you ask Derek how he'd  defend himself if I was dead, but the trick is, I won't die, ever. I  will always be around to protect Derek, and if anybody tries to mess  with either of us, or Sean and Jojo, you are going to be dead in VERY  painful ways."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Alianna from District 1!"

The crowd roared into applaud, and I knew I'd done my job.

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