Interview: Selenia (District 6)

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The male tribute from  district five walked off of the stage. I heard clapping in the  background, he must have done well. I heard my name and district called,  but couldn't bring myself to move.

I had seen what happened  to the people who did bad interviews, they got no sponsors; and when  they got no sponsors, the chances of them dying from a burn or a small  infection became notably bigger than those people with sponsors.

I felt a shove on my  back. I stumbled up the stairs into the light of the stage. My heart was  pounding so loudly that I almost didn't hear when I was asked to sit  down.

"So, I hear you're from district six then?" Came the first question. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I nodded.

"We've also heard that  you're quite a whiz with you think that this skill will  help you win, as you are no doubt planning to do?"

I looked at my hands  clasped together on my lap. I was wearing a dress made to look like a  train, but truthfully I found it hideous.

"Um, the question?" I heard them ask again.

"Right, sorry." I heard a  small chuckle come from the audience. Laughing at my embarrassment no  doubt, jerks. "I, personally, am not planning on winning, thought I  believe that my skills could allow me to help other tributes in the  arena, ones with greater chances of winning."

"Ok, so...If I heard are going to help the people that are going to try to kill you?"

I nodded, "But winning would be nice." I added.

"Well, that is all the  time we have. Selenia, age fourteen, district six." I bolted off the  stage before the interviewer had finished speaking, and passed out in my  seat.

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