Finals: Angel

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Angel (Final)

I can't believe I made  it! The finals....but, that just mean that one or more of us will die  soon. I still have all my allies with me, but only two of us will make  it out alive.

I glanced at Elena, she  really was a great friend. The best, really...and I'm glad I met her. In  a way, I'm glad I was picked for the games.

"So, we have five bottles of water left, I think we did pretty well," she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I nodded, glancing at Markie.

Markie...god, I hate to  admit it, but I do like him...a lot, and that's what sucks the most!   Because of the games...we couldn't possibly get together...

"You two have something  special you know that right?" Elena whispered to me, causing me to turn  my neck around so fast, I thought it would have snapped, if I wasn't  still

breathing that is.

....She knew?

I was about to answer,  when Markie spoke up, scaring us a little. I really, really hope that he  did not just hear what Elena was saying! That would be so embarrassing!

"Girls, where are we?" he asked, glancing from me to Elena.

"I think we're in  Atlantis," I blurted out, looking at him. Any other time I would have  enjoyed being in Atlantis, since it's a beautiful city surrounded by  water, and I just love the water. But at the moment, I really couldn't  care less, I'm too busy worrying about my friends.

He gave me this look, that I couldn't really read, but before I had the chance to find out, Elena spoke.

"Yeah, I think we are too."

He moved his eyes from  me to Elena, and nodded. "Well, all we have to do is get somewhere safe  and hold out till then. I'm pretty sure the others are going on a  killing rampage

just so they can win," Markie told us.

He looked around, searching for something, until he found it. He pointed to a hole, and started guiding us to it.

"Now I want you both to  know that I will not be going home, I'm going to die. I know for a fact  because I made a promise to myself that I would get you two all the way  to safety

and as winners."

I turned to Elena,  seeing that she was hurting just as I was when I heard his words. He  couldn't do that right? I mean, that's really sweet that he's going to  risk his own life for us,

but this was exactly what I didn't want. I didn't want him to leave me, he just couldn't!

I was about to say something, when Markie turned around, facing away from us.

"Just get some sleep girls," was all he said as he left, standing guard.

I laid down next to Elena, her going to sleep, while I was still thinking.

Could I really live with myself if Markie died? The answer was quite simple...I couldn't.

Even if I win, I  wouldn't really be happy, knowing that he risked his life for me, for  us, just so we could live, and he couldn't. That just wasn't fair.

Glancing at Markie one  more time, I decided that, no matter what I had to do, I was going to  make sure that both Markie and Elena was going to live, even if it cost  me my life.

I didn't care as long as they both are alive.....

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