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Background knowledge you'll need to know going into this:
Johnny had ran away for reasons unknown to everyone, without telling anyone and stayed in an old home for two weeks. His small amount of money ran out an he spent three days without food or water. Johnny starting getting weak and tired. And since his mind was cleared and he didn't have reason to stay away for any longer he decided to go see Dallas. Dallas had been worrying over the kid none stop, of course he would never admit to it, Dallas missed Johnny. The whole gang did. He didn't say anything but everyone knew Dallas was hurting. When Johnny knocked on Dallas's door he was beyond relieved. But happiness turns to anger real soon. (Edit:I wrote this  months ago but am just now posting it)

Dallas's P.O.V

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask sternly. Johnny had ran away for days and hadn't even stopped by to say goodbye. He didn't even write a note. He always leaves notes. Johnny closes the door behind him and fiddles with his hands. "I needed to get away for a while" Johnny replies quietly. "Why didn't you come to me? I would've let you stay here, you know I would have! Why didn't you tell me? I was worried sick about you! I didn't know if I'd get to see you again!" I say, my voice rising slightly. "It doesn't matter...I'm back. I didn't think you'd care this much."
He says stepping back.
"You are so dumb sometimes Johnny! Don't you realize that your actions have
consequences? You scared everyone when you just disappeared!" I step towards him, my voice rising more and my anger increases.

Johnny's face reads hurt all over but I can't stop myself. He can't just leave me like that. I thought he'd been hurt.
"Stop yelling.. please stop yelling at me!" He says, his tone rises near the end of his sentence.
I thought I'd never get to see him again, or hold him again. "God Johnny you're so selfish! How could you do that?" I growl.
Johnny's face changes from hurt to furious. He throws up his arms. "I'm selfish?! I needed time alone before I did anything dumb-"

"You did do something dumb! You're so dumb" I shove Johnny.
"Why can't you understand that running away for weeks is a big deal? I thought." I breathe in shakily "I though you could've been dead." Johnny shoves me back
"I'm here now! Why can't you be happy I'm back?! Why can't you drop your grudge and be happy I didn't die! Why can't you just love me?" He yells.
"I do love you Johnny, but you do such stupid things!" I shout, I'm being mean. But this kid needs to know that he can't just leave me without warning. My fist hits the wall and leaves a dent, I can tell he's scared, I don't want to scare him...
My whole world just vanished and left me in the dark. "Johnny you mean  everything thing to me, when you left I felt so lost and empty inside..." I say tying to calm down for his sake.
"And then you just decided to bugger off to where ever you went. Where did you go?" I ask
"At the old Nickerson house by-" I interrupt him
"Johnny! Homeless bums and hoodlums hang out around there, you could've been killed!" I say in concern.
"For fucks sake Dallas! I wasn't! Stop being such a retard and get that through your thick skull! I'm-"
Something in me snaps and
Before I know it my fist connects with his face. Johnny's sent flying backwards . He yelps in pain as he hits the wall. He looks at me with huge eyes, his face white as a ghost. I look to my fist, it feels like it's just been crushed, I look to Johnny's red cheek. "Oh John-" I step towards him
"Get the f-fuck away from me!! You
m-monster!" He shouts, he grabs the door and swings it open, I grab hold of his wrist and he screams loudly, he wriggles free and kicks me down and runs out the door. "Johnny stop!"
I crumple to the floor, unable to move. I stare at my hand and become paralyzed. I just fucked everything up. I just hit Johnny. My Johnny. Hurt because of me.
"Oh fuck Johnny... Fuck! What the fuck am I going to do?" I slowly sit back
"I only ever wanted to protect your and make you feel safe and loved... And look what I've done! I'm a monster Johnny! A monster!" I start crying
"It's bad enough you get shit from all the other kids, and your own parents beat you, now me, the guy who is supposed to love you and care for you just threw his fist into your face! Oh what the fuck is wrong with me!" I crumble to the floor
"What am I going to do..."

Johnny's P.O.V

My legs give out from under me and I'm on the wet ground within seconds, my face burns. The rain doesn't help, it feels like I'm being stabbed with needles on my check. I cry, as loud as I can and let it all out. The rain is too loud for anyone else to hear. Dallas hit me. He doesn't love me, I called him a monster. He hates me. He wants me dead, I bet he liked hitting me... I have to get away before he does it again. I can't get beaten by him too. I gasp for air and clutch my chest. I don't think I can move. It's getting hard to breath. I start hyperventilating, I'm not safe anywhere. I can't be safe at home. I can't be safe with Dallas. There's nowhere to go. I have nowhere to go. Why is everything spinning. Why can't the rain shut up. I crumple into a ball and cry. I cry until my throat burns and it hurts to breath. I wheeze and croak. Trying to get air. The rain is coming down harder, my face feels like it's been torn off and now someone's pouring salt on it. I have to go to the old house again. Before Dallas finds me and does who knows what... I manage to snap out of my paralysis and begin to run again.

I reach the house and crawl through the fence, I climb up through the window and lay on the floor gasping for air. I place my hand on my chest and feel my heart race a mile per minute. My chest rises and falls aggressively fast and I'm left a panting mess. I need Dallas. I need his warmth.
No what am I saying? He's going to hurt me! I hope to god he doesn't find me here. My head gets dizzy at the thought of being found by him. He's right though. I should have told him.. I can't imagine him disappearing, and me not knowing where he went and if he is safe or not. I close my eyes and images of his blue eyes and white hair cloud my mind.
Moments of us cuddling on the floor, holding hands in the dark, moments of us when we're together flash before me and my lip quivers. I touch my cheek and wince, it feels like it's throbbing. I called him a monster... I feel bad and want him to hold me, but at the same time I hate his guts, I take crap from everyone. I can't handle him beating me too, he said he loved me... but he hit me... I want to hit him and hurt him. I never want him in my life again.
But I know he didn't mean it. He's never hit me before... he sounded sorry. I groan as I get a migraine. It just makes me more miserable and reminds me why I ran away to begin with. I open my eyes, take off my jacket and look at my bruised arms. With pen there's a long diagonal line drawn on the forearm.
I got scared of the idea and scared of myself, so I ran away to clear my head and just to think. Now returning to his chaos I wish I had
something sharp to follow the line. I sit up and punch the wall, instantly regretting it and wincing. The ran seems to lighten up a bit, but it's still pouring. I lean against the wall, scared, shaking and alone.

Third P.O.V I believe?
(Please correct me if I'm wrong I'm dumb)

Dallas grabs his wool lined jacket and runs out into the rain. His eyes puffy and his heart heavy and in a huge amount of pain. Dallas thinks for a moment to go over the places Johnny might've ran to or hid. His first thought was the lot or the Curtis's house but then he remember where Johnny went when he first left. Dallas runs towards the old Nickerson house and doesn't stop, even when his lungs burn and he thinks he might throw up. He calls out for his love but his voice is drowned out by the pouring rain. Dallas stood to catch his breath as he examined the fence. He's climbed worse, Dallas hops the fence and looks for an entrance, he finds a window open and climbs in. "Johnny?" He calls
Johnny freezes and feels the goosebumps form on his arms as a wave of fear rushes over him, his heart was beating fast, now wether it was from fear of him or excitement he couldn't tell. Dallas finds Johnny sitting against a wall, terrified and shaking. He slowly approaches him and kneels down.
"Johnny..." his voice breaks and a tear rolls down his pain ridden face.
Johnny never saw Dallas Winston cry, his heart started to break and his lip started to quiver aggressively. His eyes welled with tears and he started to cry.
Johnny launched himself into Dally's arms and Dallas held him tightly. He was so angry Johnny had ran away, and even more angry that he did it again and returned to this dangerous house, but he was relieved to have his Johnny back and have him safe.
"I'm so sorry Babycakes" is all Dallas could say.
"I'm so sorry..."
Johnny was scared but forgave him quickly.
Dallas pulled away and kissed his boyfriend's lips. Johnny smirks through his tears and looked down.
Dallas looked to Johnny's arms and caught sight of the pen line.
His heart sank, the line was right on top of his visible veins. Dallas gently grabbed his arm and asked
"What's this?"
Johnny pulled away and couldn't say anything, Dallas got the message and his heart hurt.
He kissed his arm up and down, then his neck and then all over his face. Johnny laughed a little and kissed Dallas.
"Let's go home." Dallas whispered into Johnny's ear.

Idk I hate this one. It's old. I wrote it a while ago and just wrote the last few things today. So yeah, sorry it's not too good. I'm going to re-wrote it. But without the dumb 2 runaway part.

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