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three (iii.) || syd gets ghosted 

"Harry?" I shouted down the hall seeing a familiar face.

It was him. 

He hadn't met me at the bakery like he usually does. He didn't text me to let me know he was okay or just not dead. He didn't do anything. This was starting to feel like he was pulling away from me.

It had been days. Days of radio silence.

I know how it goes.

He turns around from his locker and looks me right in the eyes. I can see some sort of bruising on his face, whoever bandaged him up didn't do so good.

I begin to fast walk over to him when he shuts his locker and turns away. Was he trying to avoid me? Was he really trying to pull a me on me? No way was I going to let him.

Once I get close enough to him I grab his arm to pull him back. He doesn't look at me this time, instead he stares at the ceiling.

I don't even know what to say. It- he's definitely pushing me away. Or trying to ignore me. I'm just not to sure if it's to protect me or if he's just tired of me. 

"Harry can we please talk?" I look at him worriedly when he lets out a sigh. A sigh. At me. What the hell could I have done?

He finally puts his head down to look at me. "I can't right now I have a class to get to." He tries pulling away but I grip tighter onto his arm. "Syd-"

"Tell me straight up if it's me or not. Tell me something." I tried reasoning with him but he simply shook his head. If he didn't want to explain himself- who the hell was I to make him. He didn't force me to share my past with him.

This is different but maybe I shouldn't push him.

I let go of his arm and as soon as I do he walks away.


I chewed on my pen as the history of the united states currently being taught went through one ear and out the other. I wasn't really in the mood to pay attention when my best fir-

Was he my best friend?

When Harrison is ignoring me. Instead of eating lunch with him I got lucky and found Kimmy and Izzy and ate with them. They were nice in letting me sit with them but even they knew me and Harrison ate lunch together. 

I stared down the board to try and make time go faster. But nothing was working. My mother was on her way here to terrorize me, Harrison wasn't talking to me. It could get worse, I hope it doesn't.


The history teacher's voice snaps me out of my head. I see Cheryl standing next to him with a smile on her face.

"You're wanted in the principal's office." My teacher alerts me. Great. What did I just wish upon myself now?

I grab my books and stuff them into my bag and get out of my chair. Cheryl leads the way to the principals office- or so I thought. I'm pretty sure we are no where near wetherbees' office. 

"Cheryl what's going on?" I ask her and she finally stops from walking and turns around.

"I saw you at lunch and I wanted to take you out of that dreaded US history class so we could do some friend things." She answers and holds out her hand for me to take.

At first I doubt that this is any good for me but then I think why the hell not. "Are we taking my truck?"

"Yes, I need to be back for practice so my car stays here."


After all the gossip from what I missed while I was gone I felt weird. Well this who thing felt awkward. Sitting here like were friends through and through when that wasn't the case. Like there wasn't a serial killer on the loose.

"So we didn't really talk about the.." I trailed off thinking she would get the hint but when she just continues sipping on her shake I continue. "inferno situation."

She stops sipping her strawberry drink and looks out the window. "If it's all the same to you I'd like to move on from that. We've moved into thistlehouse anyways."

I nod my head slowly. Okay but how does that just paint over the fact she burned her house down and watched her mother run into it? And what lead her to that.

"Okay so you just decided to be a good friend and take me out for shakes and fries? Somehow I think Cheryl Blossom you have another motive here." She rolled her eyes at me when I said this.

"I saw that your boyfriend ditched you. I felt bad. And I figured if there was a time to reconnect it'd be now." She shrugged and I knew there was more to it than that. I overlooked the boyfriend comment. "You and I could use some company at the moment."

"You're not wrong. I'm glad you reached out, we should do this again." I offered and she went back to sipping her shake. "I mean it."

At that she stopped sipping again and smiled.


I pulled up to the wrym in my truck and put it in park. I need to find out- preferably before my mom gets here- if Harrison is avoiding me because of me, or because of something else. I hoped out the truck and she the door.

I had a little bit of nerves coming from my stomach. I was only invited last time by Harrison. Now I was just walking into their space. I really hope they don't take it the wrong way. 

Pushing the door open I am met with a bunch of serpents. And they don't look too happy. Did they consider me a northsider- of course they did stupid question Sydney.  Well it's too late to go back out the door now.

I see Toni and Sweet Pea at a pool table- just the people too ask.

"Syd, what brings you to the southside?" Sweet Pea asks me and I gulp a bit as I walk over to them. "Harry's not here."

"I wanted to ask about him actually. He's been acting distant lately towards me, ignoring me and stuff. Did he say anything- like if I did something? Is it me?" I ask the both of them and they look at each other with the same look on their faces.

Toni sighs. "Things have been bit tense lately as you know with the northsiders. And after he brought you here the other night and the fight-"

"He had to choose. Northside or southside." Sweet pea cut her off and I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping a bit.

It wasn't me. It wasn't something I did- it wasn't me this time. But I'm still losing a friend either way it looks like.

"He told us that he's a serpent through and through." Toni sent a look of sympathy my way and I tried to send a smile to her but I couldn't.  She walked closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry that he's leaving Riverdale high."

He's what?

I took the news and just swallowed it. "Yeah me too."

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