Chapter 2

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Fifteen long years had passed since Hicca lost her mother and was sent off to her death, only scarcely able to remember the time which had long since passed, though she still led a life she was happy with, living aboard her adoptive dad's armada of warships sailing between different islands, some occupied and some relatively untouched apart from her dad's crew.

Hicca slowly opened her eyes, reluctant to wake up, as the sun reflected off the ripples of the calm and gentle early morning waves and cast itself directly into her face. The brunette's head perked up when she heard another voice mumbling something similar to what she just had and looked over to see the room return to near darkness as the shutters were pulled closed, despite Drago himself having been the one to leave them open the day before to try and ensure she would get up, she turned to see who had returned the room to a state of near complete darkness, instantly recognising the beyond familiar silhouette of one of the few people she knew who was her age to the month, never mind a rough range of a few years either way, like everyone else she knew close to her own age,

"Heather?" Hicca yawned, looking to see the black-haired girl turning to return the gaze,

"Five more minutes, it's barely dawn," The previously undetected girl mumbled in response, making Hicca struggle to contain a laugh,

"Five more minutes? What have you done with the real Heather? She would be the one to call me lazy for saying that," Hicca chuckled as Heather simply rolled over on to her back, breaking eye contact as her eye lids were clearly battling to stay open,

"Yeah, I've hardly slept in ages, been doing some spy and saboteur work on an island called Berk, not to far from that base you have on Hopeless, and it's definitely a change of pace compared to the jobs where I have to make people disappear, you lied when you said it gets easier by the way," Heather yawned her reply as her eyes finally drooped shut, having quickly managed to fall into a peaceful slumber only to be shortly joined by Hicca, throwing away all plans of beating the most of the crew up so they would still have some peace and quiet on the decks.

The two girls slept on opposite sides of Hicca's personal quarters until they were finally awoken by a loud bang against the door and it being unlocked from the outside, the only key other than Hicca's and Heather's turning the lock to disengage it. Once the door was fully unlocked, a distinct figure walked stood in the doorway as it swung open, letting the light from the hallway on the other side come flooding in around the easily recognisable silhouette stood in the doorway, to Heather, he was a leader surrounded in rumours in mystery, one of the most famous being that he held control over the dragons, a story that was undeniably true, while to Hicca, he was so much more than what the stories told,

"Dad?" She barely murmured as her eyes adjusted to the new light levels coming through the now wide-open doorway, both girls instantly recognising the smirk that he made no effort to hide,

"Why am I not surprised?" he chuckled to himself as he looked between the two girls, "Although, if I'm completely honest, I am slightly surprised that you not only let her sleep in, but decided to join her," he turned to look at Heather with a smirk on his face,

"What can I say Drago, she makes a good argument," the girl responded with a smirk of her own,

"So, what brings a mercenary here while not trying to relieve our crew of everything valuable?" Drago asked, making both Heather and Hicca visibly recoil in near perfect synchronisation,

"What? Can't she come visit me once in a while? It's lonely being the only girl here," Hicca asked sarcastically,

"Hic, she's a soldier of fortune, her only true allegiance is with her payment, nothing more," her dad stated coldly as he turned to look at Heather, his gaze tearing through the mercenary,

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