Chapter 5

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A few days had come and gone since Drago had started upon the path to redemption in the eyes of his daughter, redemption for all the times he simply forgot she existed for weeks at a time. Hicca stood lay in her quarters again, still maintaining her place, as did Heather, but now finding themselves accompanied by two persistent Razorwhips, who both refused adamantly to go anywhere else unless the girls went with them, curled around Hicca and Heather respectively as their heavy breaths and the gentle pulse of Snatch's heart kept Hicca in a blissful state that she never wanted to leave the dragons warm embrace, despite the girls having slept in until near midday before Heather eventually started to stir, Hicca still remaining motionless as she lay in the warmth of Snatch's wings,

"Are we planning on getting up soon, Hicca? You do have a Light Fury waiting for you to get up, you aren't going to let her sit all alone and afraid in the darkest corner she can find so you can have a lazy day, are you?" Heather yawned, Windshear releasing her grip on the girl as she started to move gently,

"Hey, don't try take me on a guilt trip, I know it's my fault she's like that, I'll get up in a bit, just let me spend a bit Snatch, you wouldn't want to make her think I don't care about her would you?" Hicca murmured in response, refusing to make eye contact with Heather as she pulled herself even closer to Snatch, the Razorwhip only tightening the embrace in response,

"I never said it was your fault, just that she deserves better, don't you think?" Heather sighed, now standing up as she watched Hicca and Snatch, Windshear having reluctantly let her up with a slight whimper of sadness,

"Just because you didn't say it doesn't mean you don't know it," the Bludvist heir sighed before forcing herself out of Snatch's grasp and looking towards Heather with her expression reading nothing other than how depressed her mind was after Heather having clearly reminded her of some obviously bad memories,

"Hic, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Let's just go see Luna, shall we?" Heather offered as she put an arm around Hicca, trying her best to be supportive,

"Yeah, lets go," Hicca responded after a short delay from the thought having to bypass the mental blockade of self-hatred for what she blamed herself for, the reason the Light Fury would always hide in corners, always afraid after what Hicca had let happen, even after she had forgiven Hicca for downing her, maintaining a peaceful and innocent mind that was once adorable to watch, once.

A few hours passed with little success in getting the Light Fury to trust the girls once again when Heather turned to look at Hicca, a question suddenly returning to her mind that had been left unanswered since she was stuck in the cave with Hicca and the two hyper friendly Razorwhips as they waited out the raging storm,

"Hey Hicca, you never did tell me who your contacts were," she stated casually despite how her curiosity was clearly getting the better of her,

"Alright, I'll tell you, but you have to promise you'll let me explain, alright?" Hicca sighed nervously, already aware of the reaction the answer would warrant from the mercenary,

"Yeah, sure, just tell me," Heather quickly answered eagerly, curious as to why Hicca would want such confirmation,

"I only have one contact, and he's been making me promise him for as long as we've been working together that I'll introduce you two," Hicca started, trying to avoid diving straight in to the most awkward parts,

"Oh? My reputations travelled a bit then?" the mercenary couldn't help but smirk to herself, although this only disappeared when she noticed how much more nervous Hicca had become, "What's wrong? They can't be that bad, its hardly like they're a Berserker is it?" she joked, but the sense of humour was lost when she noticed Hicca recoil ever so slightly and instantly understood why she would always avoid the subject at all costs, "Oh for the love of Thor, at least tell me they're some soon to be defector or a spy feeding information in exchange for people disappearing."

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