Chapter 3

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A few hours had passed since Hicca and Heather found the second Razorwhip, now named Windshear by Heather, in the shelter of the cave as the storm continued to pour down heavily outside of the cave's mouth. Heather lay with her back to the wall with Windshear's head resting on her lap as both the girl and the dragon slept with each other's comfort, Heather having fell asleep with a hand on Windshear's head from having been scratching it before she joined the sleeping dragon. Hicca looked at the mercenary girl, the same girl who had gained rumours surrounding her as being a fearless and merciless soldier who wanted nothing but wealth or as the girl who had single handedly sunk some of the strongest ships in the Berserker's naval fleet, being so feared that the Berserkers had once founded a group of their best assassins and warships with the sole task of preferably capturing her but killing if they must, judging by how the girl was still peacefully sat with Hicca, the teams had clearly encountered great success using conventional methods against a single teen, with no real training other than experience from past encounters, using the art of guerrilla warfare to her advantage, making negotiations between Hicca and Dagur himself complicated when Hicca took her in as a mercenary working under her, even more so whenever Hicca had to bring Heather when she went to see Dagur in person, Dagur always acting in a manner Heather deemed strangely welcoming and friendly towards her and Hicca considering the amount of Berserkers she had killed prior to meeting Hicca out of revenge for her home village that had been slaughtered shortly after her first encounter with Berk, for who she believed were her birth parents having had their bodies turned into nothing but mangled wrecks of flesh and gore, despite her having a complicated past that she had no memory of making her the reason why Hicca helped her, and why Dagur would act so warm towards her, a complication that Hicca had been planning to explain to her for a long time, always putting it off because she didn't think she was ready to know the truth despite how often she promised Dagur that he would find out soon enough.

Hicca was also far from aware of her surroundings, as she stood watching the rain water ricocheting off the ground outside the cave entrance, silently shivering as her mind wandered freely, imagining what had happened to the Light Fury, who she had named Luna for the brief period of time that was her companionship with the dragon before her dad had set the alpha on claiming it for the army. She may have shot it down trying to get her dad's approval, to get him to take notice of her as she had thought that he was ignoring her for something that was wrong with her, but she had quickly grown to appreciate the time she spent with the dragon before it was controlled, Luna was always docile towards Hicca and Heather, although she was fully aware that Hicca was the one who had downed her, it was if the dragon that was derived from the most feared bread known to man had chosen to forgive her rather than getting even through the universally recognised means that was bloodshed. Hicca couldn't help but worry about the same thing happening to these two Razorwhips, these two creatures that were so docile that one approached her without showing even showing the slightest hint of aggression, before then taking both her and Heather to the other one, who Heather had named Windshear, who had been so trusting and friendly that they were now sleeping against each other peacefully. Hicca couldn't bear think about these two dragons being broken like the Light Fury she had downed less than a year earlier and Drago kept on going on about like she should be proud rather than guilty, despite her not liking to talk about the broken dragon that he dismissed as different dragons reacting differently to the Alpha's control, she didn't want to think about these trusting and docile Razorwhips being broken into the same state of constant fear and depression that was now commonly shown by Drago's trophy dragon, the Light Fury, having been stripped of the name Hicca had given her, yet no matter how much she tried to push these horrible thoughts away, they refused to leave the forefront of her mind, leaving her unable to think about anything else even if she tried, not even noticing her shivering body, her skin, normally as pale as snow, had somehow managed to become even paler but now all normal hints of red were replaced with an icy blue.

Hicca failed to notice how cold she truly was until she was ripped out of her thoughts by a sudden warmth around her, she looked down to see the forelegs of the Razorwhip from the town now wrapped around her waist, imitating what she had seen Heather do to Windshear earlier, making Hicca turn around to look at the dragon that may have completely dwarfed her and may have been feared by all of the islands in the archipelago but was still unable to distinguish the difference between Hicca and Heather compared to another of it's own kind, at least it seemed that way from how friendly the Razorwhips were to the girls, either that or there was some kind of redeeming distinction between the girls and the rest of humanity in the eyes of these dragons, making them compassionate towards the girls like they were each other. In the few minutes that she remained motionless, looking at the dragon that was trying to copy when Heather had comforted Windshear earlier, she promised herself one thing, that these two dragons wouldn't end up following in the same path that Luna had been shoved down with great force, with what seemed like no way back to the innocent, happy dragon she once was.

As Hicca stood lost in thought again, she had moved to wrap her arms around the Razorwhip like Heather had Windshear, making the dragon flinch from how cold the girl had become without even slightly noticing. The dragon quickly picked her up and tried to walk awkwardly on it's hind legs until they were next to Heather and Windshear, still sleeping peacefully and oblivious to the cold outside that had started to turn Hicca's skin an icy blue colour instead of her usual pale skin tone, before setting Hicca down against the floor, granting the dragon Hicca's attention as she watched the metallic dragon curl around her before grasping her around the waist again and pulling her closer, curling Hicca so that she was in a similar sleeping position to the dragon who had now wrapped her wings around the frozen girl, trying to warm her up while trying to get Hicca to rest instead of constantly think about what would happen if she failed to protect the two Razorwhips,

"What about Snatch? What do you think girl?" Hicca asked the dragon, clearly trying to think of a name for the dragon that had taken to her over Heather unlike her sibling, and receiving a happy warble in response, "Snatch it is." Hicca promised that she wouldn't leave the cave until Windshear had recovered, asides from when either her or Heather would need to liberate some supplies, when she had sworn she would always be the one to go the second she'd seen how quickly Heather and Windshear gained an almost sisterly bond, one that could even rival the one between Hicca and Heather, "Thank you Snatch," Hicca quietly murmured as she drifted off to sleep in the warm comfort of the dragons wings, receiving a soft coo in response as both the girl and the dragon began quickly losing the battle that was remaining conscious. 

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