Chapter 4

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A long week had passed with the girls and the dragons, who had both become increasingly clingy and protective of their chosen human counterpart, having rarely left the shelter of the cave as the light rain turned into a vicious storm, and later even sleet and snow painted the green outside with a thick layer of white despite how the island had previously been in a similar state to the dragon island, a place where only a few people know of yet is almost like its imprinted in every dragons mind as soon as winter would come around, forcing the alpha to have to control the entire captured flock over the winter period to stop them running away thanks to their instincts. Heather had spent almost every second with the Razorwhip who she was becoming increasingly possessive over as was Windshear to her in return while Snatch, named for how she reacted to first seeing the girls and how clingy she had started to become towards Hicca, had made attempts to replicate how close Windshear, her sister, and Heather, the only other human she trusted around her sister, yet always found that Hicca would be unwilling to for as long as Heather would, often taking breaks to stand by the cave entrance and stare out into nothing in particular after having spent too long by the dragons side,

"What's wrong Snatch?" Hicca asked the seemingly depressed dragon, despite knowing it was fuelled by a jealousy of Heather and her sister, making the Razorwhip's head snap to attention, having become responsive to her new name in the short time they had been together, "I'm sorry girl, it's not your fault I'm not like Heather," she sighed as she gently stroked the metallic head of the dragon that was trying desperately to find its way it to her heart, despite Hicca's mind being split over letting it in, half telling her she'd have to be cruel not to show some compassion to the peaceful, loving creature before her while the other told her not to get attached or let the dragon get attached to her, still fearing Snatch would share the same fate as Luna, a fate of so much torment that she believed it to be worse than death, "It's mine."

"Hicca, why do you want to be like me?" Heather murmured as she propped herself up against the back of the cave wall from having been curled up in the warmth of Windshear's wings, a smirk clearly visible on her face from knowing she'd caught Hicca off guard,

"Oh Loki, how long have you been awake?" Bludvist's daughter stuttered, her ghostly pale white face glowing red out of embarrassment as she turned her attention away from Snatch, who immediately started to try regaining Hicca's attention as she nuzzled the girl,

"Long enough, now talk," Heather smirked, enjoying seeing the girl who had managed to pull her out of a state describable only as a bloodlust now so embarrassed, a girl raised by a father who's live revolved around his army while trying to balance family life on the side, often failing rather spectacularly, now in a state that she'd only ever witnessed in people who had somehow maintained their innocence in the harsh world that had been locked in a constant war for seven generations with what seemed to be no way out,

"Well look at you, a merc with more kills to your name than I dare think about even before I helped you out, yet your still able to be normal, I mean sure, this isn't particularly normal but you know what I mean, being able to show compassion without mentally tearing yourself in half, being able to be happy without getting overly paranoid," Hicca sighed, jealous of Heather having retained the ability to think and act normally, a skill that she doubted she ever truly had,

"More kills than you dare think about? Remind me again, who was it who brought me into this business, even if she stayed away from the rather beautiful amount of pay you get in return," Heather asked as her smirk grew,

"Because I'm a coward, alright? I'm a disgrace and we both know that's why Dad ignores me, he doesn't want to admit that I, being the utter waste of space that I am, am his daughter, no matter how much I try," Hicca let out a whimper, a tear rolling down her cheek as her mind raced with every time she had convinced herself she had wronged her father, "I'd just mess the jobs up anyway, best leave them to someone who's worth the time, like how Dad trusts you more than me even if he says about you being loyal to the reward, you're always off taking contracts, either for Dad or occasionally my sources-"

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