Chapter 7

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The girls sat watching over the dragons below deck of their ship, having come to avoid going above deck when it's not necessary out of the threat that loomed around the ship. Shortly after the girls had returned to the safety of their vessel, the Berserkers had surrounded the ship and placed guards watching over them at all times, with strict orders not to let them leave with his sister still on board.

"So, how long until your dad's army shows up full force and flattens Dagur's island?" Heather moans, not looking away from the dragon who would refuse to ever leave her side,

"Not long, maybe a few days, Dagur sent a few loyalists aboard earlier to negotiate handing you over and I sent them off to go tell the armada what the idiot is doing, then if he tries anything funny he gets to see pure anarchy unleashed on his home, maybe you can finally get even with him, take everything from him before sending him to the deepest, darkest pits of Hel," Hicca sighed, having long since grown tired of waiting around in the ports of a currently semi-hostile island,

"You don't think he'll try and take me, do you?" the mercenary asked nervously,

"If he tries to, then he'll have to get through me first, and three dragons as well by the looks of it," the heir to the army responded in an effort to reassure her friend while still watching the dragons in front of them, the twin Razorwhips playing with each other joyfully as Luna watched them with curiosity in her eyes, trying to work out what the other two dragons were doing,

"And what if he sends his entire army aboard?" Heather whimpered in fear from the awful thoughts of what Dagur might have planned for her if he had justified the massacre that had left her an orphan in her and Hicca's eyes al because he saw them as getting in the way of the brother and sister reunion he had been expecting,

"He'll probably try, but I doubt he'll find anyone willing to board with him. Two Razorwhips, a Light Fury, the girl who's become a living ghost story and a girl who's dad is the leader of the most powerful force in the archipelago and then some, plus having been trained to follow in his footsteps from when she was six, They'd have to be stupid to agree to go," Hicca smirked as she turned to meet Heather's nervous gaze, "Besides, we've been selling them security for a while now since that Berkian woman came back, the chief's wife I think she was, and managed to end up with everyone there having a dragon of their own like some kind of livestock, even better that we're yet to find their dragon colony's alpha, fear is very good for business for people like you and me, It keeps the pay rolling in, the jobs plentiful and leverage wherever you go because you're their only countermeasure against this new threat they never saw coming."

"Now you're definitely beginning to sound like your dad," Heather joked, a smirk briefly crossing her face as she nudged the descendant of what was indisputably the most powerful army in the chartered regions of the archipelago,

"What can I say, he had his ways of being the best dad I could ask for while not remembering that his daughter exists sometimes," Hicca sighed, turning her attention back towards the dragons yet her gaze focusing on nothing,

"For the love of Thor, cut him some slack Hicca. Have you not noticed how hurt he is over what he's been doing to you? What he's doing to try make up for it, he gave you a Light Fury, a Razorwhip and your own personal ship so you can be free to do as you please and now in a few days time he'll have sent so much muscle down here that Dagur trying to fight back will turn his own people against him, Berserkers may not be known for their rational decisions but it doesn't take much to realise that the dragon army will be the end of them. Besides, do you know how many times he's hired me to do a contract and bring you along for the ride as a disguise for him to get me to protect you? He doesn't trust himself to protect you so he's paying for someone you get along with and that he can trust to put up a more than fair fight against these animals-"

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