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the 'gay gangs' pov

"taeyong and seulgi, you two HAVE to find a person soon! your both suffering here in gay with us, since we all have EACH OTHER." jaemin said as the rest nodded, it's been a month since they've all met.

"who knows, once my roommate finally shows up or i actually SEE him. i can get some cliché boyfriend, like the ones in movies." taeyong said sighing, knowing that'd never happen.

"so you've still never met your roommate?" renjun asked, quite confused how could he have not met his roommate, I mean they have to sleep in the same room.

"i know hes there sleeping and shit, but he always comes back late at night, then i never see him when i wake up. I've never seen his face, he even took his name off our door. I don't even know his name!" taeyong said realizing he doesn't even know the person he sleeps in the same room with name.

"damn, stay up tonight and catch him coming in, see his face ask his name....possibly sexuality-" yeri started, taeyong not thinking that'd be a bad idea.

"that sound like a great idea yeri! i need to know what this boy looks like, and his name. ima go off and buy red bull, for staying up and food, for studying." taeyong said smiling as he ran off.

taeyongs pov
he had to stay up, why not get some homework done whilst staying up.

taeyong went into a small convenience store, getting what he wanted after paying he ran off back to the dorm.

the clock showed 8PM, he had a long time to stay up.

He set up his little study area, and got to work, he kept studying and eating for another 5 hours.

It got boring, he was about to give in and just go to sleep, but then he heard a door silently opening.

"jeSUS." taeyong said, sleep deprived and studying, the door opening startled him.

"holy shit, your never awake, im so sorry." the boy said as closed and locked the door back.

"why are you awake? your a hard sleeper, and i know you like to sleep, if ive picked up right." the boy said setting his stuff on his bed, giving an odd look to taeyong.

"oh yeah, I have a test tommorow I need to study for." taeyong said finishing up a question, then setting his blue fluffy pen down.

"by the way, since ive never met you as you come home late at night, and never stay till morning. my name's lee taeyong." taeyong said flashing a smile, the unknown boys mouth kinda dropped a little.

"wow, the infamous taeyong is my roommate, and I didn't even know it. you know your quite the ladies man, why don't you have a girlfriend...I mean you hang around girls but they're all gay." the boy said curious.

as he himself when a girl wants to get together he fucks and leaves, he is also quite the ladies man. didn't look half bad, smelled like coconuts, a charming smile. everything a girl could want.

but that unknown boy lacked loyalty and a heart as people would say, he fucked girls left and right then left after they fucked, acting like they didn't even touch.

but girls still came on him, since they wanted to be the girl who won his heart. sadly the unknown boy had no plan on anyone winning his heart, he only wanted fuck buddies.

"ah, yeah, i don't have any girls since im gay." taeyong said as the still unknown boy gasped.

"no way, you don't look gay. I never would've known, no wonder everytime a hot girl comes up you never look twice. by the way names jung jaehyun, the schools official fuck boy." jaehyun said smiling, showing his dimples.

'well this'll be interesting.' taeyong thought.

Well, y'all it'll be interesting to say the least.
Once again I have no SET plan for this. Just winging this whole thing, as I do with everything

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