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they eventually found johnny and ten, they all got some seats at a little round table and drank their stuff before going off to actually skate.

''so, everyone here knows how to skate correct?" Yuta asked drinking his sweet tea, everyone shook their head yes, besides lucas and taeyong.

''for real you two? you came to a skate rink, without knowing how to skate?" johnny asked laughing as taeyong and lucas glared.

''aye, then we can teach them! it'll be fun. lets go!'' ten said tying his skates on, as everyone else did, not without a groan of course.

johnny and ten were holding onto each of Lucas's arms, while gliding him along the sides of the rink.

Yuta and jaehyun were doing the same with taeyong.

''WOAHH TO FAST.'' lucas yelled as johnny and ten had picked up speed, dragging a panicked lucas behind them.

taeyong, jaehyun, and Yuta were behind them laughing, then the others came to a sudden stop, making them all crash.

they were all laying on each other, they heard other people laughing as they were pushing each other off the other person.

''haha- WAIT TAEYONG?!" a girl voice yelled, as taeyong was picked up and thrown behind the girl.

''what the fu- yeri?" taeyong said seeing somewhat of the girls face.

''what were you doing with my innocent friend!?" yeri said throwing her water bottle at jaehyun, seen as he landed on top of taeyong.

''what the fuck, innocent? I think the  fUCK not, and hes skating with us got a problem princess?" jaehyun said picking up the water bottle, ready to throw it back but lucas had stopped him.

''what? really taeyong? you went skating with these losers?" yeri said as she turned around, taeyong just nervously smiled and nodded.

''not only skating, I plan to fuck him afterwards.'' Yuta said with confidence.

''fuck yourself floppy dick.'' taeyong said as he came from behind yeri, grabbing the water bottle in Lucas's hands, hitting Yuta on the head with it.

''oWW!!'' Yuta said rubbing his head, yeri was in her thoughts before gasping.

''wait this is a couples event for the college we all go to...so that means my taeyong had to fake a couple with one of yall! who was it?" yeri said glaring at them all.

''me, is there an issue princess?" jaehyun said cockily smirking at yeri who was in shock.

''oh my god, you dumbfucks! you know why this is a couples thing?" yeri said about to face palm her face, so hard her great grandma would feel it.

''so itd be a fun and cheap date...?'' ten asked nervously.

''no you fucktards, well yes that's some of it. its a couple event, so when you come in with your significant other the staff will write down your wrist band numbers, so they can all figure out which the cutest couple is.'' yeri didn't wanna continue, as the thoughts came rolling in.

''then they figure it out, and call said numbers on that little stage and the couple goes up, gets $200 for a fancy restaurant date. and proof they are a couple they have to kiss.'' yeri said glaring at jaeyong and taeyong.

''i'm concerned since both taeyong and jaehyun are good looking, that could be them. I swear if it is i'm gonna rip apart your throats. I have to go, my babe is waiting for me. bye you dumb bitch ass hoes.'' yeri said sparing a warning glance to taeyong.

''shes scary.'' lucas said shivering.

''very.'' johhny said back now diverting his attention to ten who was retying his shoes.

''okay, lets continue our little session of teaching these two losers how to skate!'' ten said grabbing onto Lucas's arm, as everyone went back to teaching the two.

it took another 30 mins of falling and yelling, then the two 'losers' finally got ahold of it.

''jaehyun! babe!'' a girl like voice said, startling the rest  a tad as they were focused on lucas, as his shoe had came untied since he didn't tie them correctly.

''oh hey, jiyun!'' jaehyun said, trying to have some care that she was in his voice.

''who are you here with? last time I remember your single, well until I claim you, if I already haven't I mean we fucked.'' jiyun said grabbing onto jaehyuns arm, purposely pressing her boobs against his arm.

the rest had finished fixing Lucas's shoes, and looked at jaehyun and jiyun, all their faces scrunched up in disgust.

''you two, get a damn room what the fuck.'' Yuta said gagging, as the rest just tried to divert their looks to somewhere else.

''ahh, so you came with them babe?" jiyun asked, ten, johhny, lucas, and Yuta choking.

''BABE!?" they all said at once, in complete shock.

''i'm not her babe, I just fucked her the other night.'' jaehyun said in a monotone, not caring type of voice.

the others just 'oh'd and taeyong laughed.

''ahh, so your the girl with the annoying ass moans?'' taeyong said, provocing the girl who had disturbed his beauty sleep, not like he needed it anyway.

''excuse you!? how do you even know?" jiyun said taken aback, as the other boys tried to hold back a laugh.

''cause, i'm his roommate who was in the bed next to his while yall annoying asses fucked.'' taeyong said bluntly.

''oh so your just mad  cause you couldnt get none of this huh? aww were you turned on by me? is that why your upset?" jiyun said smirking.

''we can do it tonight if you want?" she said smiling, a nasty dumb smile.

''no thank you smelly pussy, i rather be fucked by a fish, i'm sure it'd smell better anyway.'' taeyong said and gave a fake smile back.

jiyun was about to say something, before getting cut off by a loud speaker.


of course they all stayed back, seen as they were already pretty close, after a few mins of everyone gathering around.

''okayy!! the award of cutest couple, dont forget their name and picture will be displayed around your campus!! goes to...............NUMBER 43 AND 44!!" the lady said as taeyong now wanted to pass out.

''oh shit.'' jaehyun mumbled.

ten noticed it mustve been them, byt heir shocked faces, so being the GREAT friend he was, pushed them both on the stage.

"oh theres our cute couple! whats your names?" the girl asked smling at them, as she handed jaehyun the mic.

''jung jaehyun and his name is lee taeyong.'' jaehyun said composing himself quick. but he knew taeyong wasnt together yet, so he said his name for him.

''okay, well, to prove you guys are couple you'll have to kiss!" the girl smiled, honestly she was already in love witht he cute couple, i mean they were perfect for each other, who wouldnt love the couple.

''no problem.''


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