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"where are we goinnggg?" taeyong asked giggling over nothing, the boy smiled cheekily.

"back to my house, were gonna fix ramen." the boy said, now holding taeyongs hand.

"what's your namee?" taeyong finally asked, which he should've before agreeing to go out with this random boy, but he is currently gay and drunk to function.

"yangyang is my name." the boy supposedly named yangyang replied.

"ooh mines lee taeyongiee!" taeyong giggled after he said that, yangyang smiled at the drunk boy.

-meanwhile in someone else's pov-

"where are we going!?"

"it's a surprise for God's sake!"

"i wanna go back to the dorm! we can have more fun there if ya know what I'm going at."

"ten your so dirty! we have to go buy condoms first!"

"oh true."

"wait johnny, isn't that little ol taeyong?" ten asked as he grabbed Johnny's arm to stop.

"where- oh yeah, it is. who's he with? he looks drunk as fuck." johnny said as ten tried to see the other boys face who was holding taeyong.

"ah! that's yangyang! the new transfer from germany, hes already gotten in trouble for fucking in his dorm to loud." ten said casually as johnny gasped.

"i gettin major fuckboy vibes from that, we need to get drunk ass away from him." Johnny said as ten was already running across the street, don't worry there was no cars seen as it was like 1AM.

"and hes off-" Johnny said running after his small legged boyfriend.

-meanwhile back in taeyong+yangyangs pov-

taeyong was drunkly rambling about anything and everything, yangyang was just thinking about dirty things he could do to him. (I'm so sorry yangyang I've made your character like this-)

"LEE TAEFUCKINGYONG!" a short male silhouette came up startling the two.

taeyong looked over and instantly yelled back.

"TENN!" taeyong said in a drunk tone, ten was ready to take him already.

"who are you?" ten asked the boy who was visibly confused.

"I'm his boyfriend who the fuck are you?" yangyang said, lying to ten.

"no you aren't, as far as I know my friend is as single as a peppermint."

"hm not anymore, so please if you'll excuse us." yangyang said grabbing taeyong, who was once next to ten then taeyong was dragged back by a big boi named johnny.

"not so fast, as his friend I'm not letting him go with you. we know who you are yangyang leave him, or we'll have some issues." johnny said, already having yeri on speed dial.

"no he's mine, fuck off." yangyang said taking taeyong and putting him behind him.

"really? so what do you plan to do with him?" ten asked getting fired up, now it was quite obvious yangyangs intentions weren't well.

"to fuck him till he's senseless." yangyang said smirking before picking up drunk ass taeyong who had no fucking idea what was going on and running off.

"SHIT JOHNNY CALL YERI" ten said smacking his boyfriend, and then running off to try and catch them.

"yangyangiee where are we goinngg?" taeyong said still highly drunk, since the drink he was given was heavily spiked.

"you'll see." yangyang said, stopping in front of a house putting in a code and running in.

"now you like to have fun right?" yangyang asked walking inside his house and going to his room.

he couldn't have taken taeyong to the dorms since his friends would find them, so he took him to his friends house who was out on a trip.

"ooo yess are we gonna play candyland?" taeyong asked giggling, yangyang smiling lustfully.

"no but you'll be getting some sweet candy tonight." yangyang said, throwing shocked taeyong on the bed, the spiked drink was starting to wear off unfortunately for him.

"no this is wrong." taeyong said trying to sit up.

"not so fast." yangyang said pinning now tearing up taeyong down.

"STOP RIGHT THERE." the door slammed open revealing a boy.



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