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[this is jaehyun/group 3rd pov ya know]

''jiyun what the hell!? why did you throw that skate at taeyong so harshly!??" jaehyun yelled at the innocent smiling girl.

''cause he is getting in the way of us, besides he deserved it being gay is disgusting he probably threatned you to do that anyway." jiyun said as jaehyun scoffed.

''jiyun we are not a  thing, you were like every other girl a one night stand, you should know that when you fucked me. I love how your saying be gay is disgusting, considering your even more disgusting. now get away from me you slut.'' jaehyun said as jiyun gasped.

''you'll regret that jaehyun!'' jiyun said running off to god knows where.

jaehyun quickly turned his attention back to the small boy who was knocked out on the floor, noticing the huge circle forming around them.

''go do something else! go away.'' jaehyun shoo'd the people who were taking vidoes, jesus how many rumors could be flying around right now, jaehyun doesn't even wanna know.

he quickly picked up the light boy and took him outside, seeing the rest gasped and gave jaehyun a look of 'what the fuck'

''jiyun hit him with a skate super hard, with his frail self it knocked him out cold.'' jaehyun explained as every 'oh'd.

''we gotta take him to a doctor, like right now.'' johnny said as everyone nodded and ran to the hospital as they had no car, and didn't wanna wait for an uber it'd just be faster if they ran.

they reached the hospital after around 6 mins of running, they got a nurse, who directed them to a room to where the doctor would check taeyong out.

''damn and here I was thinking this would be a boring day, i'm for real, lets keep this boy around more often. i'm living for the craziness.'' Yuta said leaning back on his chair.

''I agree, we all are hella basic taeyong will make us more interesting.'' ten said, lucas suddenly gasped.

''jaehyun, did anyone video that?'' lucas asked, jaehyun just nodded.

''taeil you idiots! the rumors hes gonna shit!'' lucas said, earning a shit from everyone.

taeil, hates gays his father left his mom for a guy and broke his family, ever since then he has always hated them. threatened his friends if they were gay, he would de friend them and beat the up.

then a phone rang.

"sHIT'' johnny said throwing the phone to ten, then throwing it to lucas, then lucas throwing it to Yuta, Yuta throwing it to jaehyun.

jaehyun hesitantly answered it.

''hello? taeil?'' jaehyun said terrified of what kind of screaming taeil was gonna do.


''uhhhh, i'm in the hospital and his name is....lee saeyong.'' jaehyun quickly made up a fake name, the boys next to him face palmed, laughing a tad.


before jaehyun could say anything, taeil hung up and freaked out.

''hes coming!! hes gonna murder taeyong.'' jaehyun said freaking out, everyone was trying to think of a way out of this.

''he cant hurt taeyong if yeri is here! call yeri right now!!'' lucas yelled as jaehyun dialed yeri and told the situation.

luckily she was only a few mins away.

they all stayed sitting down in silence, thinking about all that could go wrong.

''what the fuck.'' a voice said sitting up on his bed.

''omg taeyong your awake.'' Yuta said as everyone stood up to check him.

''i'm fine you floppy dicks.'' taeyong said swatting them away.

''he bounced back fast.'' ten said as taeyong has been awake for awhile now, he just didn't wanna disturb them seen as they were looking like they had issues. which they do.

''TAEYONG MY BABY!'' a girl voice, who of course belonged to yeri said coming and hugging taeyong.

''what- yeri calm down i'm fine.'' taeyong said as yeri let go of him.

she went near jaehyun, who kept backing up until he hit the wall.

''what did you do to my baby?" yeri asked in a scary ass tone, making everyone dead silent.

''nothing! it wasn't me, it was jeon jiyun, she smacked his head with a skate hard.'' jaehyun said quite scared of the girl in front of him. he wasn't usually scared from a small girl, but damn she was like a momma bear.

''isn't yeri younger than taeyong? why does she act like his mom?'' Yuta asked as yeri turned around.

''cause I claimed him hes to innocent, hes my child and I do not care if hes older.'' yeri said glaring at Yuta to not question further, which didn't dare to say more.

suddenly the door slammed open revealing a tiny scary outline.


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