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after a few hours of fucking around at random places it was getting late and everything was closing.

"hey guys I have an idea lets go clubbing." yuta said as everyone agreed.

"for once you have a good idea." taeyong sassily said.

"I'll give you a 5 second head start." yuta warned as Taeyong bolted and yuta bolting after him.

"HEY DONT HURT HIM" jaehyun warned.

"oh so now your getting protective hhmmm??" ten teased jaehyun who casually shook his head.

"nah i just don't wanna have to carry him to the dorm." jaehyun said stuffing his hands in his pockets, Lucas snorted.

"more like you wanna carry him to your bed instead." Lucas joked.

"exactly." jaehyun said walking away leaving his friends behind, not wanting to hear their questions.

"LEE TAEYONG OR SHOULD I SAY JUNG TAEYONG?" yuta yelled now jaehyun was near the two enough to hear their screams.

"I- WHAT!?" taeyong stopped for a moment caught off guard giving yuta the chance to tackle him.

jaehyun luckily couldn't see them yet to see the position, he could only here since they were being so loud.

"hm this is a nice position." yuta said pinning taeyong down so he couldn't move.

"yuta off!!" taeyong yelled at the idiot above him now jaehyun was in seeing range of the two.

"nakamoto yuta off.now." jaehyun demanding a sudden surge of jealously shot through him, taeyong was his even if the other didn't know it.

"oo someone's getting jealous, what if I don't wanna move?" yuta provoked smirking ad helpless taeyong looked at the two of them.

"im gonna kill you if you don't that's what." jaehyun said shoving yuta off and picking up taeyong and throwing him on hid back.

"HEY PUT ME DOWN." taeyong said wiggling trying to set himself free.

"not till we get there." jaehyun said abd started walking.

eventually they made it there safe and sound- for the most part.

taeyong got down and showed his ID and went in first not wanting to talk to anyone, he went to the bar to order himself a drink.

he had no idea where the others were so there he was a perfect boy all alone at a club.

"hey your cute." some random girl came up sitting on taeyongs lap, taeyong wasn't drunk at all but he decided to have a little fun.

"why thank you, princess." taeyong said wrapping his hands around the girls waist.

"can I give you a little fun tonight?" the girl asked smiling innocently, taeyong smirked and nodded leading her to an empty couch allowing more room and comfyness.

after sitting down the girl immediately starts kissing taeyongs neck, grinding on him at the same time.

taeyong was starting to get a bit turned on, it went on like this for awhile.

"ooo taeyong you better stop before jaehyun finds you." Lucas came up and said taeyong stopping the girl for a moment.

"and why should I care if he finds me?" taeyong asked why jaehyun would even care?

"have you not noticed- nevermind come with me." Lucas said grabbing taeyong and looking down.

"wow you got hard." Lucas teased.

"shut up do I have hickeys?" taeyong asked not wanting his friends to question him.

"yes, a lot." Lucas said as they reached the group.

"oh hey guys- taeyong what happened?" ten asked pointing to his boner and his hickeys jaehyun observing, obviously pissed.

"he was with a girl." Lucas said walking over to yuta.

"she was hot too until Lucas pulled me away." taeyong said sadly, pissing jaehyun off even more.

"anyway we wanted to make sure you were okay which you obviously were. you can continue now." Johnny said walking off with ten and the others walking away too.

taeyong turned to walk away but was quickly stopped by a hand grabbing his waist, his back slamming against the person's broad hard chest.

taeyong feels the person lean down near his ear whispering "so you wanna hoe around huh? you're mine and mine only." the voice taeyong recognized as jaehyun said.

"since when?" taeyong said with a shaky voice oddly nervous of what jaehyun is gonna do.

"since now."


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